Living and Speaking Together: Conference organised by Luce Irigaray and Judith Still

Location: University of Nottingham Date(s): Saturday 20th – Sunday 21st June 2015  Many imagine that building a world culture requires us to use a conceptual and abstract universal language which would be capable of dominating the complexity of the world as it is today. Certainly, this corresponds to the way of reasoning of our past …

Bitter Lizards Part 1: Truth and Lies in Adam Curtis’s Afghanistan

In the first of two posts, our own Max Bacharach (MA in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies) reflects on Adam Curtis’ latest documentary, Bitter Lake …. It is uncontentious, I think, to say that today, documentaries are ubiquitous, as too is hunger for the ‘truth(s)’ they apparently waste no time in serving up. Some resonate …