Vital Theory 2013

We are pleased to announce the third annual Vital Theory symposium will take place on Friday the 13th of December 2013 at the University of Nottingham. Vital Theory is an academic symposium organised by postgraduate students at the University of Nottingham’s Centre for Critical Theory. The first of these took place in 2011, and it …


Friction: An interdisciplinary conference on technology & resistance University of Nottingham Thursday 8th May & Friday 9th May, 2014     Friction: noun [mass noun] The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another: the action of one surface or object rubbing against another conflict or animosity caused by a clash of …

The Politics and Poetics of Disgust

As it is already at the half way point, I thought it worth sharing a brief write up of the study group the Centre for Critical Theory is currently offering at the Nottingham Contemporary. We’ve called it ‘The Politics and Poetics of Disgust’, although ‘Analysing All Things Icky’ would have worked too. Disgust is a …

Centre for Critical Theory Visiting Speaker Series

Biopolitics and Aesthetics. Josephine Berry-Slater, Lecturer in the Centre for Cultural Studies and editor of Mute Magazine. 17:00 Wednesday November 20th. A39 Sir Clive Granger Building. All welcome.