Windows on War: An Online Poster Exhibition
In 1969 as part of the legacy of Vivian de Sola Pinto (formerly Professor of English) the University acquired a rare collection of Soviet posters from WWII. These posters were hand-made almost every day during the war to keep the population abreast of progress, to maintain morale and attack the enemy. Yes, they are propaganda, …
Klop: a new student production in Russian
It has been many months in the making, but the countdown is finally being marked in days. Back at the beginning of term, a small group of postgraduates in Russian and Slavonic Studies, led by Jesse Gardiner and Laura Todd, met with a group of undergraduate Russian students in the hope of recruiting them for …
Windows on Russia and Eastern Europe
Written by graduates of the University of Nottingham’s Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies, the forthcoming book Windows on Russia and Eastern Europe sheds light on how the Communist-controlled lands of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe evolved from Stalinism to Gorbachev’s perestroika to the robber baron days of the 1990s and finally to today’s uneasy mix of …
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