Work experience: a week in the University of Nottingham
Olivia Colley, Year 10 student from the Carlton Academy, came to work for the Faculty of Arts in March 2018. Read her blog about her experience of working with us. Olivia’s blog Hey, I’m 14 and my name is Olivia and this is my blog of a week in the University of Nottingham for my …
My MA in Translation Studies with Interpreting at the University of Nottingham
I’d always planned to become a translator. The career seemed to fit my abilities and interests well so the die was cast on my academic path. The translation modules I did as part of my undergraduate degree in Modern Language Studies (French, Spanish and Dutch) only whetted my appetite further for continuing my study of …
Could you benefit from a placement student bringing new ideas into your business?
The School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, in partnership with the Faculty of Arts Careers Team, is currently investigating methods of enhancing employability. As part of this we have established a structured Placement Programme for our students. The Placement Programme enables students to enhance their employability by demonstrating and developing the valuable skills that …
‘Enabling Innovation’ Bid will support local SMEs to innovate and grow
Following a recent bid to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), The University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University and The University of Derby have been successful in gaining funding to deliver a collaborative programme of innovation support activities for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) across the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire area. The emphasis will be on …
MA Translation Reflections
A number of people have asked why, with over 20 years experience in the translation industry, I decided to apply to do the MA in translation. It wasn’t going to progress my career – I am already a company director, and studying part time was a major challenge on top of a demanding full time …
Writing To Be Heard, Writing to Heal: The Survivors of the Genocide in Rwanda Tell their Story
In 1994, in a period of only 100 days, over one million people were brutally murdered during the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The horror of the genocide was intensified by the fact that the crimes were perpetrated by people the victims knew and trusted – their neighbours, friends, and family members. The end …
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