Routes into China – a trip down memory lane
Routes into China – jiù dì chóng yóu or; a trip down memory lane Exactly four months on from our recent ‘Routes into China’ conference held at Nottingham Contemporary in July, I just want to remind myself of everything I learned on the day. What I loved about this conference is how much the whole …
Dr Kathrin Yacavone awarded a prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship
Kathrin Yacavone, assistant professor in French in the Department of Modern Languagesand Cultures, was awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which enables internationally outstanding researchers to pursue an extended period of research in Germany. The fellowship will enable Dr Yacavone to complete her book project Portrait of …
Happy European Day of Languages to all of our students, colleagues and local businesses!
As part of the Languages for Business team, I’ve been thinking about how we translate the varied and culturally-steeped language of business networking. Is it true that there are only two types of people in the world – those who love networking and those who would rather communicate via messenger pigeon than don a nametag …
Remembering Peter Boyle, historian of US foreign policy and a co-founder of the Department of American Studies at Nottingham
Peter Boyle, who died on August 3, had a long career as a teacher and historian of US foreign policy at the University of Nottingham. In hindsight, he seems to embody a particular phase in the development of American Studies in the UK, and his passing signals the end of an era. Peter read History …
Work experience in the Faculty of Arts
As the heat wave blasts its way through Nottingham, turning our beautiful greenery into a yellow-ochre abomination, one place stands above it all, with its classic, grandiose campus established as a Teacher Training College in 1798, and a University College in 1881: the University of Nottingham. Here is my experience working in this magnificent place. …
Work experience with Bell Tent Boutique
Languages for Business is a university-based project that offers language skills and intercultural expertise to small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, primarily via student placements. But of course, it’s not just beneficial for the businesses… The scheme has provided students with the opportunity to put their language skills into practice in …
Can’t find the right words?
Languages for Business provides language and cultural support for local businesses looking to internationalise, primarily through student placements. The scheme is based within The School of CLAS (although open to students across the University) and works with students who are either studying on a language or translation course, or students who are native speakers. One …
Work experience: a week in the University of Nottingham
Olivia Colley, Year 10 student from the Carlton Academy, came to work for the Faculty of Arts in March 2018. Read her blog about her experience of working with us. Olivia’s blog Hey, I’m 14 and my name is Olivia and this is my blog of a week in the University of Nottingham for my …
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