Learning languages at Nottingham

                                                      Emma with friends in Cádiz, Spain I started my UoN career as an undergraduate studying French and Beginners’ Spanish. Starting a language ab initio was daunting at first …

From Intern to Account Executive: An MA Student’s Experience in the Creative Industries

Jessica Gilby was one of the students on our MA in Film, Television and Screen Industries. The course is specifically designed to provide students with in-depth understanding of the screen industries and how they operate. As part of the course, we offer highly competitive industry internships in the UK and the US. One of these …

Forum on China-Africa Co-operation, 4-5 December 2015: Images from Jo’burg

As part of an AHRC-funded project exploring China-Africa relations, I recently travelled to Johannesburg, South Africa, to observe the FOCAC (Forum on China-Africa Co-operation), a triennial event which this year had been elevated to the status of a summit. While the goal of this AHRC project is to get a sense of how cultural exchange …