Learning and Action Alliances (LAA) as solutions to wicked, complex problems
June 26, 2017
In one of the previous blog posts, Emily Lawson introduced the concept of Learning and Action Alliances (LAA’s) as a solution to the ‘wicked’ problem of urban water management. The premise here is that a ‘wicked’ problem cannot be tackled from within the confines of science alone or through the mechanisms of top-down governance. This …
Low-cost small-scale blue-green interventions: community led projects enhancing urban flood resilience
May 2, 2017
You need just 5 water butts to capture an hour of heavy rainfall from a 200 m2 roof (assuming the water butt holds 200 L and rainfall intensity is 4-8 mm/hr). Imagine if that happened across every roof in the city and imagine the resources that could be provided and the costs you’d avoid – …
Twenty65 Annual Conference 2017
April 6, 2017
This week I attended the Twenty65 Annual Conference 2017 – Bringing the Water Sector Together (April 4-5th, Manchester). TWENTY65, an EPSRC research project, are working in partnership across the water sector to tailor water systems so that they deliver positive impact on health, the environment, the economy and society. The conference provided an opportunity for academics, practitioners, policy makers …
SCOT Flood Forum – 23rd February 2017
March 1, 2017
The Urban Flood Resilience team were invited to showcase their project aims, objectives and case studies at the February meeting of the SCOT Flood Forum. This was a great opportunity for the ‘Achieving Urban Flood Resilience in an Uncertain Future’ (UFRM) research project to introduce its wide reaching research team (including social scientists from the Open …
Risk, Resilience and Response in a changing Climate
February 1, 2017
The ‘Risk, Resilience and Response in a changing Climate’ conference was held in Glasgow on the 31st January and hosted by Impact Engagement. A diverse audience of Scottish planners, flood risk officers, local authority representatives, SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency), Scottish Water, Scottish Power (SP Energy), Scottish Government, the Scottish Flood Forum and SNIFFER attended, creating …
Urban Flood Resilience Project blog launches!
January 16, 2017
The Urban Flood Resilience Research Project (2016-2019) officially kicked off with the release of our Inception Report in January 2017. The project aims to enable the coordinated planning, design and operation of coupled urban water systems necessary to achieve transformative change in urban flood risk and water management. Research focuses on three key themes, divided …