August 8, 2013, by Blue-Green team
About this blog
Our blog will document research outputs and ideas from the EPSRC research project “Achieving Urban Flood Resilience in an Uncertain Future”, that focuses on developing strategies and tools to make urban flood resilience achievable nationally, by making transformative change possible through adoption of the whole systems approach to urban flood and water management. The blog will be a place for highlighting current research undertaken by our inter-disciplinary project team and discussing important contemporary issues in the field of water and flood risk management round our three research themes: 1) Engineering Design of the integrated Blue/Green and Grey (B/G+G) treatment trains that support resilient management of both water quantity and quality, 2) Planning that puts urban flood risk management at the heart of urban planning and focuses on interfaces between planners, developers, engineers and beneficiary communities, and 3) Development of flood and water management assets that function inter-operably with other urban systems: including transport, energy, land-use and natural systems.
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