Water Security in Asia

In 2011 Anatol Lieven wrote that the ‘greatest source of long-term danger to Pakistan’ was dependence on the river Indus and climate change in general. Lieven was in no doubt that water security was a far greater than that of Islamic extremism. The politics of water, one of the major aspects of water security, are complex, far …

China and the Future of Global Governance

Written by Dr Miwa Hirono (IAPS Seminar Coordinator) The IAPS Seminar Series for the academic year 2014-2015 began with a fantastic seminar yesterday, delivered by Dr Katherine Morton, Associate Professor at the Australian National University and a Senior Associate Member of St Antony’s College, Oxford University. This seminar was a special event jointly organised by …

Airpower and War in the 21st Century

Contributed by Dr Bettina Renz. On 13th June 2014 a one-day cross-disciplinary workshop on airpower and war in the 21st century was held on the University of Nottingham’s Jubilee Campus. It was co-organised by the School of Politics and IR’s Centre for Security, Conflict and Terrorism (CST) and the University’s Institute for Aerospace Technology (IAT) …

China Links: Connecting the World

With the generous support of IAPS, IGS and the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, the international PhD Conference ‘China Links: Connecting the World’ was held in the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies on 18-19 July 2014. The conference sought to promote an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary dialogue on the various transnational linkages of China throughout its …

An unexpected result? The Indian Election of 2014

IAPS will host (made possible by generous support from the Political Studies Association) an event to assess the Indian election of 2014.  This will be held on the 3rd July 2014 from 9.30am.  Several of the contributors to the #Indiavotes2014 blog, as well as many others, will give their considered analysis of the campaign and …

Law, citizenship and democratic state building in India between 1910-1960s

Political Divisions of the Indian Empire Law, citizenship and democratic state building in India between 1910-1960s A one day workshop on 10th April 2014 Organiser: Dr Stephen Legg, School of Geography, University of Nottingham  This one day workshop was organized due to a generous grant from the IAPS staff funding scheme. It built upon a …

Director’s thoughts

It’s been a great few months with IAPS.  We’ve had some fantastic speakers at our seminar series, from issues as diverse as ‘extraordinary rendition’, the ‘developmental state in east Asia’ to ‘nation building in Vietnam’.  Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to come and speak, but also to the audience who have asked …

India’s election hots up

The #IndiaVotes2014 blog hosted on Ballots and Bullets and associated commentary hots up.  IAPS Director, Katharine Adeney posted an article in The Conversation discussing the election campaign.  This week the blog has featured analysis of the Modi factor, by Dr James Chiriyankandath from the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Dr Andrew Wyatt from the Univeristy of …

Indian Election Blog

IAPS will be running an Indian Election Blog over the next few weeks, focusing on aspects of the campaign, candidates, state level politics and personalities.  This will be run from the Ballots and Bullets Blog and will feature posts from academics working on India in the UK, Europe, America, India and Pakistan. See the first post …

Ethnic autonomy in South Asia: a prelude to secession?

Within South Asia in 2014, the states of Nepal and Burma/Myanmar are currently undergoing constitutional redesign and experiencing demands for recognition of territorially concentrated ethnic groups.  Similar demands are being made in Pakistan, with demands for Seriaki and Hazara speaking provinces receiving more support in recent years.  India is one presidential pen stroke away from creating its …