Airpower and War in the 21st Century
August 27, 2014
Contributed by Dr Bettina Renz. On 13th June 2014 a one-day cross-disciplinary workshop on airpower and war in the 21st century was held on the University of Nottingham’s Jubilee Campus. It was co-organised by the School of Politics and IR’s Centre for Security, Conflict and Terrorism (CST) and the University’s Institute for Aerospace Technology (IAT) …
Rights, Wrongs and Drones
February 9, 2014
IAPS was delighted to welcome Dr Peter Lee, Principal Lecturer in Military Ethics and Assistant Director (Academic) for Portsmouth Business School at Royal Air Force College Cranwell on the 6th February 2014. Dr Lee gave a lecture on Rights, Wrongs and Drones: The Moral Standing of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In …
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