Tri-campus workshop on ‘Human Security in the Global South’
October 30, 2015
We are pleased to announce the first tri-campus IAPS and Sustainable Development RPA workshop: Human Security in the Global South Tentative date: end of February 2016 This workshop acts as a research collaboration and exploration platform, bringing 10-15 academics from three campuses working on Human Security Issues in the global south together for future collaboration …
Airpower and War in the 21st Century
August 27, 2014
Contributed by Dr Bettina Renz. On 13th June 2014 a one-day cross-disciplinary workshop on airpower and war in the 21st century was held on the University of Nottingham’s Jubilee Campus. It was co-organised by the School of Politics and IR’s Centre for Security, Conflict and Terrorism (CST) and the University’s Institute for Aerospace Technology (IAT) …
An unexpected result? The Indian Election of 2014
June 9, 2014
IAPS will host (made possible by generous support from the Political Studies Association) an event to assess the Indian election of 2014. This will be held on the 3rd July 2014 from 9.30am. Several of the contributors to the #Indiavotes2014 blog, as well as many others, will give their considered analysis of the campaign and …
Director’s thoughts
April 17, 2014
It’s been a great few months with IAPS. We’ve had some fantastic speakers at our seminar series, from issues as diverse as ‘extraordinary rendition’, the ‘developmental state in east Asia’ to ‘nation building in Vietnam’. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to come and speak, but also to the audience who have asked …
Tri-campus workshop on Identity and Recognition
February 25, 2014
This event has now been postponed. An update will be posted when more information is available. A tri-campus workshop will be held at the University of Nottingham UK under the auspices of the Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies (IAPS) and the Centre for the Study of Political Ideologies (CSPI). We are inviting paper proposals from …
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