Airpower and War in the 21st Century
August 27, 2014
Contributed by Dr Bettina Renz. On 13th June 2014 a one-day cross-disciplinary workshop on airpower and war in the 21st century was held on the University of Nottingham’s Jubilee Campus. It was co-organised by the School of Politics and IR’s Centre for Security, Conflict and Terrorism (CST) and the University’s Institute for Aerospace Technology (IAT) …
China Links: Connecting the World
August 5, 2014
With the generous support of IAPS, IGS and the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, the international PhD Conference ‘China Links: Connecting the World’ was held in the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies on 18-19 July 2014. The conference sought to promote an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary dialogue on the various transnational linkages of China throughout its …
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