UNNC Small Teaching Development Grant successes

Professor Julie Sanders: “We are delighted to announce that the successful proposals for the 2014-15 UNNC Small Teaching and Learning Development Grant (STL) have been selected, with project ideas ranging from navigational design on Moodle and app for supporting student note-making. You can read about the successful applicants and their projects below. App development for …

Students turn teachers to develop debating course

Julie Sanders: “Students at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) have had the chance to step into their teachers’ shoes by developing their own course. “The course, which will be available from September as an optional module for all UNNC students, was developed by students in collaboration with members of staff. “It will introduce …

LectureTools, Socrative and dynamic in-class conversation

Video >> Dr Andy Fisher and Ian Pearshouse on “LectureTools, Socrative and dynamic in-class conversation ” at  the Using Space and Technology to Enhance Learning event 2nd May 2014. This session explored the ease of encouraging student conversation with each other and the lecturer in class and using new technology to allow responses to shape …

Using Student Feedback In Class To Enhance Understanding

Video >> Dr Matthew Boyd demonstrates how he uses Interactive voting in class at the Using Space and Technology to Enhance Learning event 2nd May 2014. Session abstract: This session focused on the use of electronic interactive voting systems within teaching activities including some examples of how it can be used effectively to enhance a learning …

Digital Spaces Workshop

Video >> Roger Kerry talks about his use of twitter in teaching at the Using Space and Technology to Enhance Learning event 2nd May 2014. Session abstract: This session explored the nature of social media in modern learning models, and considered how virtual space should be seen as a valid environment in which deep learning …

Students at the heart of Nottingham: towards closer collaboration

Video >> Ruth Edgar, Students’ Union and Carina Neil, LRLR, University of Nottingham, on “Students at the heart of Nottingham: towards closer collaboration”.  This was a session at the 2014 University Teaching and Learning conference on Students in Conversation. Session abstreact: The University and the Students’ Union are committed to working together to enhance teaching at …

Using participatory research and action (PRA) to initiate change to a curriculum

Video >> Dr Geraldine O’Neill, University College Dublin on “Using participatory research and action (PRA) to initiate change to a curriculum”. This was a session at the 2014 University Teaching and Learning conference on Students in Conversation. Session abstract: Traditional student feedback mechanisms have been criticised for being teacher-centred in design and, in particular, for …

Engaging students through partnership towards better educational outcomes

Video >> Colin Bryson, with Ruth Furlonger and Jenni Cannon, talks about involving students more fully in conversation about curriculum design, assessment and teaching. This was the plenary session at the 2014 University Teaching and Learning conference on Students in Conversation. Session abstract: Student engagement now occupies a prominent focus in Higher Education. However it …

Moving on from study skills

Video >> Dr Ruth Allen, T&L Directorate on academic development models: “Moving on from study skills: how can we support the academic development of students in their first year?” This was a session at the 2014 University Teaching and Learning conference on Students in Conversation. Session abstract: This session will start with a “where we …

The TWEED Project

Roger Kerry and Natasa Lackovic: “The TWEED (Twitter in Education) project ran between 28th August 2012 and 16th December 2013 and used a mixed methods approach to explore the educational value and utility of using the social micro-blogging site Twitter in higher education. We believed that peer-level social interaction would develop deep and sustained meaningful …