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‘Scuse my french

Post written by Georgie Suttie My first impression of France is that nothing is straightforward. No internet until you have a bank card, no bank card until you have money, no money until you get paid. And forms galore. Having spent the summer in Spain, this experience will be somewhat different. In comparison to Valencia, …

Impressions and improvements

Post by Hannah Sheehan Hot, loud and full of life.  When I arrived in Madrid on the 30th August I instantly thought where am I? I couldn’t quite believe that this big city was going to be my home for the next 6 months. I live in a small town in the South-east of England …

Beachfront happiness in Spain

Post written by Charlotte Hickson I flew out to Barbate, Cadiz, Spain on the 23rd of September accompanied by my mother for some assistance on finding accommodation and settling in. I was initially, and quite naturally, very apprehensive about what my first impressions of the school, area, people, and accommodation (when/if I found somewhere to …

Guns, noses and tanks

Today we ventured to Kuala Lumpur. The day started off by with a fantastic lunch up the Menara, a 420 meter tower with a observation deck restaurant at the top. The view of KL was incredible, and only from the top of the tower do you fully appreciate how huge the city is. From there …

My intial impressions of the Algarve have already completely changed

Post written by Sophie Gorvett It was my first time to Portugal and I didn’t quite know what to expect. Having organised my work experience in the Algarve I was quite nervous about turning up and it would be a British haven in the south of Portugal but so far I have been pleasantly surprised. …

Life in Bordeaux…I’ve never felt more popular in my life

What a busy three weeks it has been; finally I am able to sit down with a cup of tea and say a little ‘bonjour’ from Bordeaux. I hope that everyone is doing well. It’s amazing here. I’d love to say that all the clichés and stereotypes about French people are wrong, but I can’t… …

Heading North: Cameron Highlands and the Orang Asli

The last couple of weeks have felt like university in overdrive mode. Moving from second year to third year is hard enough in a familiar environment, but doing it in a whole new country is one hell of a ride! Take the much more independent learning style, and add a number of complicating factors…for a …

La Palma, a mysterious island where the bananas grow

Twenty minutes after taking off in Tenerife, I got the first glimpse of la isla bonita La Palma, where I would be spending the next four months. I saw a mysterious dark island consisting of black volcanic rocks, banana plantations and white clouds covering the mountains as the plane landed. The first drive around the …

First impressions of Lisbon

Post by Sidi El Alami Hot, loud and vibrant. Arriving in the Bairro Alto district of Lisbon on Friday the 20th of September proved instantly a shock to the system. I had gone from the quiet, middle-class suburbia of the south-east of England to a Portuguese culture hotspot. Many tourists from around the world were …

Settling in to Chambéry

Post by Bethan Roberts, French and Beginners’ Spanish English Language Assistant (British Council) in Chambéry, France Bonjour from Chambéry! I have been here for two and a half weeks now, and start my role as a Language Assistant next week. It has been a busy few weeks, with lots of paperwork and meetings and forms …