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Adjusting to Self-Motivated Study

One of the massive differences between A levels and your degree is how much of your study is dependent on you. Of course, you have a lot of freedom in terms of your attendance and optional exercises, worksheets and assignments – but what does that freedom really mean? It turns out that having that much …

Adjusting to the Academic Step Up

So with the second week of September having come and gone, university is edging ever nearer, and all the anxieties and fears associated with a new beginning – the environment, the activities, the people – will begin to spring forth, filling your mind with question after question, what if’s and but how’s. Okay so that …

2 Weeks Left!

Hello everybody! How’s your week? Have any plans for the bank holidays? I’m afraid I don’t have any apart from staying at home and studying for my upcoming examination in the next 2 weeks. Yeah, most of my friends from other courses have already finished their examination (Lucky them!). So yeah, if you ever have …


Hello everyone, Truth be told, I didn’t really have a good start to my week. You see, I was assigned to be at the Emergency Assessment Unit, EAU Ward (the ward that patients go to after A&E) this week and I am supposed to interview 8 patients before the end of the week. But my …

The end of Surgery and the beginning of Medicine

Hello again, It’s weird really. I just published a post this morning but it’s now gone. So, I’ll just write again 😀 As I’ve said earlier this morning, we (medical students in Surgery) got a day off before moving on to Medicine next week. Surgery has been fantastic! I got to help surgeons in Operation …

The End is Nigh…

The end is nigh, after the most intense semester of my studying to date I am almost on the home straight. The intensity took its toll last week as the gap in my posting shows, I was buried under my vast amount of work and my health seemed to hit a wall. Usually back in …

St. Paddy’s & Steak

So it turns out the United States celebrates St. Patrick’s Day on a grander scale than the Irish in Ireland themselves. Saturday was just a wash with the colour green everywhere you looked and the bars opened especially early, a blessing for some and peril for many more. I started the day watching the English …

Here Comes the Sun

The plan for the week was to recover from Spring Break but my American University workload has decided otherwise. Straight off the back of our drive back up the east coast through the night I really did have to hit the ground running. I have also become aware of how fast time is flying and …