Hang-out spots at University Park
September 23, 2022
If you start University this month, your YouTube feed is probably full of university and campus vlogs. One of the most recurring mentions you might find is the University Park Campus. There are over 30,000 students at our University, and University Park Campus is almost big enough to accommodate ALL of us. If you’re a …
Best Green Spots around University Park Campus
March 10, 2020
Spring has finally arrived in Nottingham. The weather is sunny (at times) and (relatively) warm… it’s a shame to stay inside. So, although I’m currently buried under a mountain of assignments, I try to take advantage of the lovely weather whenever possible. If you’re like me, and your work is keeping you away from a …
Eating Your Way Around Campus
June 10, 2016
Having spent nearly 4 years at this university and with a lot of that time being on University Park Campus, I have had my fair share of meals here. In this post I will share with you my 3 favourite places to grab a bit on campus whether it is a lovely day out or just …
It’s Always Sunny in… Nottingham?!
January 12, 2015
I know you are all probably as exhausted as I am, barely surviving on caffeine but if you’re looking for a little break from revision or a good excuse (in my opinion at least) to procrastinate have a little read of this post. Not too many words but lots of pictures, I promise! I love food and …
The C Word
November 4, 2013
No I don’t mean cancer, I mean the C-Word that university students dread hearing: COURSEWORK As you may have realized I missed a blogging slot last week. Sorry about that, this was due to said coursework. I had to do a workbook on Gastro-Intestinal and Liver Diseases with 11 questions, with each answer being about …
Freedom tastes so sweet (until you get sunburn)
June 4, 2013
An hour boating on the lake was celebration enough for the freedom of second year. It wasn’t without its challenges, rowing in a straight line was only the start of our troubles. 1. I actually managed to fall off the rowing seat when the oar came out of its little holding thing… it would have …