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First Year Reflection: A Transition

The past seven and a half months have passed by quicker than I could ever have imagined. I know I’m not exactly old, but I realise how true it is that time seems to fly by as you get older. There’s no more sitting in classrooms struggling to keep my eyes open on a Friday …

University Life According To Emojis

I thought I’d do something fun and lighthearted, and let’s be honest, we all love emojis. They describe our feelings when we don’t quite have the words. A crying cat, a little pixelated robot alien, and a poo with eyes. Magical. This post is university life: according to emojis. I hope you enjoy. The first …

6 simple steps to become a morning person

You know who they are. They’re the person whose smoothie-blending wakes you up at 7am every morning. They’re the person who’s just come back from a run as you drag your hungover cadaver into the kitchen to reheat a slice of last night’s pizza for ‘breakfast’ (by now, of course, it’s 11am and you’ve already …

48 hours in Wroclaw

Picture this – we’re sitting in my room late one evening armed with our laptops and various flight booking websites, trying to compete with each other on who could get the cheapest flight to somewhere in Europe. What was the result? We booked tickets to Wrocław, Poland for £45 return. Finally, for three days I …

10 Things To Be Grateful For

As we close in on our much-awaited Easter break, university has been kicking us in the gut just a little bit harder. With a particularly difficult week ahead of me, I decided to dedicate this blog post to a few things that I am grateful for.   University education at a great university. As tiring …

Why I Love the Savoy Cinema

For practically a year and a half now I have lived five minutes away from a 1930s cinema and I have not made the most of this until now. The Savoy cinema oozes glorious vintage style, there is something intimate about the small screens and the old fashioned layout that makes me feel like I just …

3rd Year Bucket List

How is it already March? With less than a semester left of my degree, I’ve been compiling a list of things I want to try and do before I graduate and move away from Nottingham! Take a look at what I’ve got so far: Go to Sherwood Forest Somehow I’ve been living in Nottingham for …

Things I’d Tell My ‘Before Uni’ Self

This past week, I’ve been having a really tough time at uni. Even though I’m more settled than ever, and happier than I’ve ever been, it’s been really horrible. Everything little thing has been getting to me and making every day seem like a complete chore. It’s really hit home that even though these days …

Storm Doris

Well I haven’t blogged for a while ever since being caught up with the whirlwind that was exams and then a busy start to the semester with my dissertation, but I have found a calm within the storm to relax for a bit and reflect on the last few weeks. Speaking of storms, that storm …

Will You Be My Valentine?

Lovesick, love-struck, or loveless? Valentine’s Day brings about all kinds of emotions: excitement, gratitude, sadness, maybe even disgust. We all have a different opinion on the day, and all deal with it accordingly. Whether you’re like me and are a cold-hearted love hater turned soppy, hopeless romantic or just appreciate the day because of the …