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People You Will Meet at University

THE ONE WITH NO CONCEPT OF MONEY Whilst you sit there on the verge of an existential crisis just thinking about your maintenance loan, they will be nonchalantly walking around with a myriad of shopping bags. Whilst you restrict yourself to a diet of Tesco everyday value items, they will be cooking up some steak …

Uni: Top Five Moments

This day has finally come, where I am writing my final blog post for the university. It also means that I am no longer a student at the university. Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad to be done with exams (for a while at least). However I am not quite ready to stop being …

Student life… as Alumni

“The Alumni Network is the best way to keep in touch with your friends from university”, said Vice Chancellor Sir David Greenaway at my graduation last week. Us graduates in the audience smirked… because let’s be honest, we all know Facebook is the best way to keep in touch, and none of us had even …

#MeantToBe more than friends

You could find more than just your BFF at university. These two have won £50 for sharing their story in the UoNVideoBox as part of our #MeantToBe competition. To enter our #MeantToBe competition you need to share your pic and story on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #MeantToBe and tag @uniofnottingham. Or you can drag …

Stranded… but not forgotten

Oh China, the only place that would have tourist buses to the Great Wall, but no tourist buses back. Okay… I admit we did get a little adventurous and decided to venture out to a deserted part of the wall 120km outside of Beijing, (金山岭 if

How to survive a trip to Shanghai (上海)

So all of our friends were busy travelling at weekends, so my friend Bety and I decided that it was about time to make a move too. What better place to start than Shanghai, an enormous economic hub only a few hours away from Ningbo. Well… I say a few hours away, but it depends …

5 HUGE differences between Ningbo and the UK

Ever since arriving in Ningbo, I feel like I’ve been hit by a whirlwind of things to do from sorting out my modules, to joining societies and generally just trying to figure out my way around the campus. However, I can safely say that after three weeks, I’m finally settling down in Ningbo and becoming …

Things I Miss About Living in Halls

I hit snooze on my phone for the umpteenth time that morning, realising my window for showering, getting ready, eating breakfast and making lunch for the day is narrowing. A February breeze shrieks through the bit of my unsealed window, and I wonder if I should finally get round to telling my landlord about the mould-infested corner in my …

A Few Things I’m Missing About Uni

In the days leading up to Christmas I made a post about what I was looking forward to about going home. Now that I’m at home, it only seems right to make a post about what I’m missing back at uni…   1: Sainsbury’s on Derby Road It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, you …


Amidst dissertation work, essay writing and everything else that characterises final year of uni, I’m helping out with this year’s English Showcase. Extra responsibility in my busiest year? I know. But it’s actually helping with my sanity a bit, since I’m forced to interact with others instead of spending the whole day talking to books …