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To be or NOTTS to be (that is the cringey tagline)

The one piece of advice my form tutor (and probably your form tutor too) gave me when applying for university was not to apply based on the jazziness of its prospectus cover. Oopsie. 2013 was a great year for the Nottingham prospectus, so hats off to the marketing team because that’s the reason I picked …

Hey, it’s OK

Waiting for the treasury to open this morning I bought my first magazine of 2013 and found this while flicking though; I’m pretty sure it was written for me.  A combination of rum, a bad knee and heels saw me flashing my underwear on Saturday night.  No-one noticed… at least that’s what I keep telling myself. * …


Hello everyone, Truth be told, I didn’t really have a good start to my week. You see, I was assigned to be at the Emergency Assessment Unit, EAU Ward (the ward that patients go to after A&E) this week and I am supposed to interview 8 patients before the end of the week. But my …

9th of May – A day to remember

Hello everybody, 9th of May was a really great but hectic day. I had double assessments on that day for my CFU (Community Follow-up) module and I also have a Celebration Event to attend in the afternoon. So, for my CFU, I actually fell asleep accidentally at 3 am. I was in the middle of …

I’m an Independent Visitor!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all are doing fine with your revision before the exams in the next few weeks. My exam will be in late June unfortunately. Anyway, on Tuesday last week, I went to meet my young person whom I will befriend for the next 2 years. I was really excited about this position …

I’ve completed the Nottingham Advantage Award!

Hello everybody! On Friday last week, I logged into My Interfase (a website to check on your personal details and mostly regarding activities for your career development) and found out that I passed my 3rd and final module – Arabic! I was just so ecstatic to finally know that I have completed the Nottingham Advantage …

A little bit of Arabic and Thai in my week

Hello again, I’m sure all of you are now back at home, taking a nice break from whatever you’ve been doing since the past several months. Me unfortunately, is still working in the lab. I know, what a bummer~ Well anyway, last Thursday was the last day of the Arabic class which I’ve been taking …