That’s not my name
November 6, 2014
I’ve never been very good at those awkward icebreaker activities tutors get you to do at the start of term. I usually forget that I have interests, panic and either say something like “I like tea” (true, but doesn’t everyone?) or make something ridiculous up (I once told a class that my middle name was …
Forgetting how to Write (and Other Second Year Problems)
November 5, 2014
My ability to introduce myself is terrible. I get all shy and end up squeaking instead of speaking. Squeak! I’m always the one who says the most boring thing when told to say an interesting fact to introduce myself with. Case in point: a few weeks ago, I was involved in an introductory activity and …
Hellos and Halloween
November 4, 2014
Hi everyone! I’m Tilly, a third year Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience student. As we’ve just had Halloween, here’s a picture of me looking surprised yet serious in a witch’s hat… I never went trick or treating as a kid, so I’ve quite enjoyed dressing up in silly costumes the last few years at uni. I …
Out and About in SB
October 10, 2012
Mrs Smith? Hello I’m Sarah It’s a pleasure to meet you Can I just confirm your address? Which seat would you like to sit in? Did you travel here ok? Yes buses are so unreliable sometimes Now, what do you feel – in your own words – has brought you here today? Now you …