If my essay were…
May 6, 2019
I love writing essays. There is no sarcasm intended in the previous sentence. I genuinely do. I love writing it, responding to the question, and seeing it as a unique way for me to express myself. But perhaps many of us don’t. We detest the coursework our professors set for us. We hate the pain …
April 22, 2019
I remember working incredibly hard as a high school student in Singapore. As a student in one of the best schools there, it felt like a constant competition. I would wake up at 6am, start our morning assembly at 730am, and then begin lessons at 8. We would often have lessons till 3pm, before we …
5 Apps To Get You Through Exam Season
May 6, 2016
It’s that time of the year again when exam season starts rolling in and everyone tries their hardest to cram in a terms worth of knowledge. At times like this, your smart phone can become a hindrance, the perfect way to procrastinate. Through my time procrastinating on the app store I have compiled a list of …
Stages of Writing an Essay
April 29, 2016
I have been in complete essay mode over the last month, writing an accumulative total of 18,000 words. Now that I’ve emerged on the other side, I think it’s safe to say I’ve become relatively well-versed in the stages of writing an essay… First of all, there’s the Planning stage. A teacher once told …
Top Study Spots in Notts
February 29, 2016
When I’m writing an essay at home, I like to move about from room to room, convincing myself that I’ll be more productive if I work somewhere else. In reality, it’s just a pretty shoddy attempt at avoiding reading another article. There is something quite refreshing, though, in studying in a different setting to normal …
Word limits which are really restricti…
November 25, 2014
This week I’m going to vent my frustrations towards virtually-impossible-to-stick-to word limits, as I’ve been having a fun filled time writing my project proposal (psychology’s version of a dissertation) and sending off a graduate job application. Unlike essay word counts (which can be bad enough) these are short answer questions – just what can you …
Dear Diary,
December 16, 2012
Seeing as I wrote my first blog from home, it seems rather appropriate to be writing this blog about the last week of term from the very same place. Everything has gone full circle. So it has been a pretty hectic week and with essays handed in, I have been inspired to add some structure …
Students in a Suite
October 23, 2012
Right now it feels like my to do list is longer than the number of hours in a day, or a week for that matter. I’ve a half finished essay due Friday and kit to iron for tomorrow afternoon; Mum wants calenders making that need to be submitted by Friday and my weekend’s going to …