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My Nottingham Advantage Award experience

Amidst our current work, academics and social life, it has been challenging to think about the future. As a second year student in a three year course, I have been trying to start thinking about what I would like to pursue after I graduate. But in this world full of opportunities, the scopes of our …

Ways to become more employable during your degree

You’ve just arrived at university and the prospect of graduation seems like a very distant concept. You launch yourself into your studies and university life and you’re very busy. It’s easy to forget about career planning during your studies but thinking about and acting on this during your time at university can be crucial when …

The Power of Networking

The pandemic isn’t over and the resulting economic destruction is undeniable. Depressing start to a blog, right? But what if the pandemic – and its impact on virtual services – has given us something valuable and timeless? With more time on our hands and a global boardroom at our fingertips, the current situation has pushed …

So… I’m A Graduate Now.

So… I’m a graduate now… The past few weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. My graduation ceremony went by so quickly I felt like I blinked and it was over. Then before I knew it, I signed into my bank account and where the word ‘student’ used to be, was now the word ‘graduate’ and …

Choosing a Summer Job

Most students will find themselves looking for work over the summer vacation period, if they don’t already have a job. The benefits of working during this free time are obvious – money, experience, something to take away the boredom. After all, there’s only so many days of Netflix anybody can realistically handle. But how do …

What do I do after university?

So I’m sat here after just applying for a scholarship scheme for an internship in China thinking what the heck do I want to do after university? I know I still have about a year to go, but is that really that long? Today my girlfriend and I had a chat in the car on …

We all love science

Following on from Olivia’s post about her research project, I am also doing a science-themed post this week in the spirit of British Science Week. I asked some of my friends and fellow students who study different science subjects to explain the highs and lows of their degrees, and why science is so awesome in general! …


Well, we had Easter.   This is over: Which I am both happy, and sad about. And this has begun:   Revision. Although I’m not that bad. …Yet. I think being at home without access to my cafetiere is part of it. At the moment it feels quite hard to revise as there seems so …

Career Decisions

Its getting to that time, nearly 2/3 of the way through my degree that I can’t really hide from the future anymore – like it or not, this time next year I’ll be heading out in the real world, I can only put the decisions that entails off for so long. I’ve never really been …