Finding the Perfect Birthday Present
April 15, 2016
Unless you’re some kind of birthday prodigy, getting presents can be one of life’s most challenging tasks. Throughout the year you’ll be browsing through shops and high-streets and accidentally stumble across the perfect gift for so-and-so or something that what’s-his-face would absolutely love… but when it’s actually the week before their birthday your mind draws …
Ups and Downs
March 26, 2014
A man goes to his Doctor to get the results from some tests. Doctor: I’ve got some good news and some bad news Patient: give me the good news first… Doctor: well you’ll be proud to know we’re naming a new fatal disease after you! That joke is courtesy of my Aunty- who texts me jokes …
The era of less significant birthdays
March 5, 2014
So I was 22 on Sunday. Yay. Post- 21…does anyone care? lol Well the best present was my family coming up (minus brother who was working, but we spoke on the phone). He got me some chocolate and more frozen stickers: I also got settlers of catan- an epic board game. We played it and …
Rainbow Living
October 23, 2013
I don’t know how you’re feeling, but all the rain recently has felt quite a lot like pathetic fallacy for me (NB this is when the weather is used to echo mood for dramatic effect – yay English A Level). I loved placement, but naturally it was hard work, then I had a few weeks …
Celebrations Before Exams Start
May 10, 2013
This week I turned 21. To be honest, I don’t really understand why 21 is such a big deal in the UK. In the USA, you can legally drink, but here, it’s just another number. Nevertheless, I got caught up in the whole “Wooo, I’m 21!” business by celebrating with a casual dinner with mates, …
Week of Fun.
April 29, 2013
Welcome back! … to the most intense term of the year! Considering I put on a play in the space of 3 weeks last term, that statement makes me extremely nervous. Yet with exams and coursework deadlines approaching at the speed of light, it make sense. However, before I lock myself out of Facebook and …
A Bowl of Work
January 30, 2013
So lectures have started again. *Psycho music* They’re really interesting, relevant to my course and all of that – but full days (6 hrs a day) on Monday and Tuesday are pretty intense. Revising, exams, and Christmas holidays somehow make you forget what lectures are like and the natural phenomena occurred with them – so …
Take a Break, Have Some Cake
January 13, 2013
Tea and cake at 3 o’clock is fine, very civilized even. Eating chocolate fudge cake at 3 o’clock in the morning, the tea necessary for a caffeine burst, however is not really acceptable. The only possible excuse is that essay deadlines are looming! Why else would I also have the urge to then sort out laundry after …
A 21st Birthday in Brisbane
December 15, 2011
Today I’m celebrating my twenty-first birthday in Sunny Brisbane. It’s great to be celebrating a December birthday in sunshine and with plans to head to the beach over the weekend; I’ll be ending my time in Aussie in style! I begin my long journey home on Monday morning, and will arrive at Heathrow on Wednesday …