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We’re all going on an…Easter holiday

Just a short one this week as I’m on holiday in Cornwall and the internet is somewhat limited – photos will be in the next blog! So I’m in Cornwall and it’s rather beautiful, trying and failing to work but enjoying fresh seafood, clotted cream, pasties and fresh sea air. As I am on hospital …

You can sleep when you’re dead

Hellooooo there, I hope everyone is having an eggcellent easter holiday! Mine is going brilliantly so far, although I did experience a loss yesterday … R.I.P. Chocolate bunny and duck. Quack. Excuse me if I’m sounding odd or my yokes aren’t as funny as I think they are … I’m blaming it on my sleep …

Encore – Study China 2013

Many months ago I posted Finale, the concluding post in a series about my experiences whilst studying abroad in the United States. Knowing I frequently get itchy feet for foreign shores however, I had an inkling that I might not be posting here for the final time. So, without further ado, I wish to welcome …

Grandma’s Easter Eggs

Happy Easter Sunday! Hope you also all had a good Good Friday…and an adequate Saturday. I’m going all Delia Smith in this appropriately themed blog to give you another treat this Easter Weekend. Forget the shop bought, already formed, already packaged hollow Easter Eggs! Here at the Benawra household we make our own…as well as …

Bored games

At around 2pm on Friday I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. All my work was handed in. I was now free for a month, well free until the point I could no longer avoid starting revision, but upon arrival back at my room I came upon a horrible realisation. My work had only …

Are You Ready?

For Easter? I know I am! It’s been nearly 40 days and 40 nights without chocolate, sweets and crisps. And when Easter Sunday comes in two days time, I will finally get my fix! In preparation, I’ve also ordered a ChokaBlok American Dreamcake Easter egg (or two) from Tesco. My family were laughing at me the …

Life Got Cold…

Any other week I would be referring to the whole lotta snow we’ve been having lately. However, enough small talk about the weather because this week brought the end of a pop era! After a decade and very shortly after their Ten tour Girls Aloud split! Now to many of you this may not impact …

Today Is Not My Day

I’m a pretty stress-free person. Deadlines approaching? I’ll get my work done two days before. Bad hair day? I’ll just wear a hat. Oh, you broke my good China? “It’s fine; replace it in your own time”. (I don’t own any China, but you get the jist.) But nothing prepared me for today! The day …

NEWSFLASH: Lecturers are People

In primary school, teachers are like robots. They can be kind of fun, help you learn – but your mind compartmentalises them into the “school” folder, in the way that cars are filed in “roads” and “garages” and flowers in “plants,” “gardens” and “vases” etc.  Tell me I’m not the only one who thinks in …

Fancy Dress on a Budget

Despite looking at new dresses every single time I go shopping I spent the majority of my nights out in fancy dress as per the student custom. Pre made outfits are a definite no-no for most of these events because to put it quite simply, they’re unimaginative and show you’ve put absolutely no effort except …