Behind the Scenes: Committee Meetings
February 19, 2014
The Food Diaries (Part II)
February 17, 2014
I think I had a little too much fun last week with all the celebrations going on.. It was my friend’s birthday on Monday, then my flatmate’s birthday on Tuesday and then Valentine’s Day on Friday. There was some drinking involved, but the worst BEST part of it was all the food. Mostly dessert. There were …
Romance: I Peed in a Café
February 14, 2014
Once we get over the artifice, the Americanisation, of Valentine’s Day we can start looking at the bizarre V Day merchandise which fits pace and parcel (and a nice pink bow) with the whole Love thing. The giving of gifts is never a bad thing but Valentine’s Day seem to imply that a gift represents …
What do you love?
February 12, 2014
This week I have been asked to link with the study what you love blog – which is helpful actually because I’m on placement so my life is my course. Seriously. Placement takes over everything. So if I didn’t love it I’d be in trouble. My Story I’m a bit unusual in that I decided …
Of Medicines & Late Nights
February 10, 2014
So here’s a little detour from my usually style of posting. You probably know from my posts and my profile that I study pharmacy. Although I’ve complained quite a bit about my course in several posts you may find it a little hard to believe when I tell you that I do love my course. …
Let Me Count the Ways
February 7, 2014
University may not be for everyone. Devoting long hours of your weekend to the perusal of Austen, Smith or Milton may sound to some people like the craziest, most grotesque form of self-punishment thinkable but for others, for me, it is the most rewarding, pleasurable pastime imaginable. To dive and swim in the imaginations of …
Going once, going twice…
February 6, 2014
The American craze of storage auctions has recently found its way onto British television in the form of various programs with very similar names, such as Storage Wars, Storage Auctions and Storage Hunters. There is even a game available on the app store that recently topped the ‘paid for’ chart. Personally, I am a big …
Soundtrack to my life/ happy new year!
February 5, 2014
As you may know, I have recently got into classic fm. Now I know nothing about classical music, who wrote what or anything- but I have been know to say ‘TUNE’ when something I like comes on. And classical music I feel is very emotive, and some pieces I have heard have really echoed my …
Superblog XL
February 4, 2014
LADIES AND GENTLEMAN! It is time, for the one time a week event that you’re actually used to by now. The Super blog XL. Please take your seats, grab your snacks and sit back and enjoy the show! Right… so let me explain that introduction was in honour of the Superbowl XLVIII that happened this Sunday …
Superpowers & Chinese New Year
February 3, 2014
“If you had a superpower, what would it be?” My answer to this question was always either to be able to fly or to be invisible. However the longer I am in university I find myself wanting a different kind of superpower. I want, no sorry NEED an eidetic memory kind of like Mike Ross …