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My First Hackathon

Right before Easter break, I found myself scrolling through the weekly Maths newsletter (procrastinating something very important, I’m sure). Some way down, a bright banner caught my eye: Athena Hackathon 2021.  “Erm, not for me,” was the exact thought I had as I scrolled past it. All I knew about hackathons was that they involved …

Digital Note-Keeping

When I began my degree, I was really jealous of the people in lectures who would take notes on their tablets and annotate PDFs with ease. Most of these tablets are really expensive and, coming from a working-class background, I couldn’t afford one and I even thought that they are just not worth the large …

5 ways to enjoy the sun

Ahhh, Spring is finally upon us! I don’t know about you, but as soon as the sun comes out, I shed my jacket, grab an iced latte and pretend I’m not shivering. So here are some ways to enjoy that beautiful sun, even if it’s not warm enough for summer dresses yet.      1. …

My favourite walks around Nottingham City Centre

Since September, I’ve been living in the city centre. Similarly to everyone else, I’ve also taken up daily walks. These definitely have given me a deeper appreciation of the city and I strongly encourage you to go on a walk around Nottingham city centre when you have the chance. The Arboretum (obviously) The Nottingham Trent …

My COVID illness

Hi. I should probably reintroduce myself. I’m Issy. I’m a 4th year medical student – I haven’t blogged on this site in a really, really long time. That’s for a variety of reasons – first, I’ve been really busy with my course – placement without a pandemic is hard enough; placement with that extra stressor …

Why I AM a Mathematician

A few days ago I attended an event titled Women in TEC hosted by Bright Network. It was an incredible opportunity and I’m really thankful for being selected as one of the attendees. You can view my professional expression of gratitude here, on my LinkedIn profile. (Yes, shameless, but relevant – just bare with me.) …

What is it like to work on the frontline? – Part 2

As lockdown continues and young people are blamed for ignoring the rules, University of Nottingham students share their stories of working on Covid-19 wards. In the second of a two-part series 2nd year nursing students Jessie and Abbie talk through their emotional experiences and make an impassioned plea to encourage everyone to play their part, …

Covid-19 – What’s it like to work on the frontline?

As lockdown continues and young people are blamed for ignoring the rules, University of Nottingham students share their stories of working on Covid-19 wards. In the first of a two-part series 4th year medical students Olivia and Opus talk through their emotional experiences and make an impassioned plea to encourage everyone to play their part, …

Safe Valentine’s Day Celebrations

If you’re spending it together    1. Romantic takeaway Cooking together isn’t as fun when you do it often, so why not treat yourself to a nice ‘dinner out in’. If you often have takeaways, try to make this one special – light some candles (or fake candles, let’s not forget fire safety), play some …

How to Celebrate the End of Exam Season

Any other year, we’d be planning our big comeback to the Nottingham clubbing scene. Whether you’re the Ocean type or the Crisis type – nothing compares to that first night out after all the exam stress expires. Unfortunately, this isn’t any other year.  But that doesn’t have to mean you don’t get to celebrate and …