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Travelling Light

So this is my penultimate post! The end is NIGHHHHHH Which is a little dramatic but everything feels a bit crazy, I can’t believe it’s all coming to an end, or a new beginning I suppose.   I packed up my room/ house/ life and put it in a trailer on a very hot day – …

Up and Down! (the country)

Hello dearest blog readers! You probably may have noticed I have been missing for a few weeks, this is because I really have been away travelling. These past few weeks, I have been down to London then Loughborough and just recently Edinburgh! It has been a busy time for me, packing, unpacking and then packing …

How to: Summer Step 2

First of all huge apologies, twas the night before I was ready to blog and the internet contract ran out at the house and I was very busy packing, socialising and surviving without the internet (it’s a dark and scary place) but now I’m home, with a healthy 3 bars of internet and so that …

Goodbye Nottingham :(

It’s all over! I cannot believe it but the past three years have flown by and I’m back at home have finished University. It is a bizarre feeling, but it has been the best three years of my life and the last three weeks of post-exam fun have been special. So as my final goodbye …

Truth and Lies: Getting Degree Results

Throughout my undergraduate years I was always worrying about my overall mark – it hung over every little piece of work like a weird abstract idol – however I never considered the reality of receiving confirmation of this omnipotent mark. I guess I expected it to be like receiving any other assessment feedback, hidden in …

On holiday in…Nottingham

I think this is the first time in my life that I have genuinely had nothing to do. Seriously. It’s pretty good.   I mean sure I’m applying for jobs, filling in registration forms, washing, tidying and waiting in a nervous limbo for results. That come out tomorrow. Inhale….and exhale. But I’ve also been trying …

The Perfect Father’s Day

Geographical differences dictate that I am not with my father on this rather grey 2014 Father’s Day. However, with the power imagination and the descriptive word I shall attempt to illustrate the perfect Father’s Day for my father to enjoy in abstraction. 9AM: A special cooked breakfast made by me. Mix and match from the …

Top tips for student holidays: German escapades part 2!

So this is my second post about my student holiday in Germany, and I have some important news…   Lol. Only joking! However although I didn’t get engaged I did have lovely time so I’ve but together a few lists of the fun stuff we did – I hope you enjoy!   My top tips …

How to: Summer Step 1

Two weeks left in Nottingham. Nothing to do but sleep, eat and ‘drink’ our way through to results day. So what is there to do? More importantly as I can show you pictures, what have I been up to? After a few weeks in the confines of the library or bedroom glued to books it’s …

A Play About Krapp: After

And so – approximately five days and ten bananas later – Krapp finishes its run in the Nottingham New Theatre and I hang up my Stage Manager head-com. The play got a very complimentary review in Impact – yet, as suspected, the audiences opinions were rather divided – some people were utterly bemused by the whole thing, coming …