June 25, 2014, by Ollie
How to: Summer Step 2
First of all huge apologies, twas the night before I was ready to blog and the internet contract ran out at the house and I was very busy packing, socialising and surviving without the internet (it’s a dark and scary place) but now I’m home, with a healthy 3 bars of internet and so that of course means, the blog is back!
If you’ve been waiting on tenterhooks to see if you there was to be a continuation of the mini series ‘How to: Summer’ you’re in luck! In the rest of the blog you will find my nearly conclusive list of what else can be done, now that we’re doing nothing but this time on the smaller more spontaneous scale of activities.
Sport. Everybody loves sports? Okay well maybe not… but summer is the perfect time to get out the house and work on that summer fitness regime you’ve promised to undergo for your New Year’s resolution and even if you only get a in one sporting activity a week, least you’re working on your tan!

With Wimbledon now here, it’s the season for tennis! (don’t smash your racket like I did though, we can’t afford to bring multiple rackets to games)
And of course there is no greater sport than mini golf, I went to the mini golf in the bottom of the corner house for the first time after a whole year of knowing of its existence but not having the get up and go, to go. It did not disappoint for the price you pay, very cheap way to get out the house and do something with friends to stop yourself going stir crazy!
BBQ’s. A BBQless summer, is just not something that can be, we Brits love to make the most of a the mid teen temperatures to cook our food outside instead of inside. Does the food taste better? Not really. Do you get sick of endless plates of meat being added to the pile that you can have to chow through. Yes. But is it one of the best things to do in summer. Yes!
Coupled with friends and a few drinks, having a BBQ is probably the easiest way to see through a summer’s day.
This summer a unique opportunity has presented itself to us. The chance to combine sport… and a BBQ?! Yes that’s right it’s the World Cup and at the time of writing England are already out and whilst disappointing at least we’re not this guy.
So get the gang round. Get some beers and get one friend who doesn’t like football to come and tend to the BBQ whilst we all hold each other in our joint desperation that the future of England football is better than the 0-0 draw against Costa Rica!
I’ll be blogging through the summer bringing you whatever anecdotes I get up too. Next week will not see How to: Summer Step 3, (I know you are gutted about this). Next week will be a very difficult blog to write… but you’ll have to come read it to find out why!
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