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Doc & Chips

Today I learnt the proper way to euthanise a fish. It’s fine, I’m not a psychopath. I just have an odd housemate. He runs a fish hospital in our living room. It’s as crazy as it sounds, he has everything: quarantine procedures, treatment routines and books comprised entirely of Latin words that translate to ‘something’s …

Student Ambassador Interview

My palms are sweaty. Knees weak, arms are heavy. There’s vomit on my sweater already, Mom’s spaghetti…   So things aren’t quite Slim Shady bad, but I wouldn’t currently consider myself as calm. The last time I had an interview, my trousers attached themselves to my chair and I left red-faced and with a brand …

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Sometime in the last fortnight, the start of Christmas arrived. Monty the Penguin graced our tellies and sold out too quick for me to buy and Starbucks and Costa released their Christmas cups. (Costa totally beat Starbucks this year… snowmen are definitely more festive than red lines!) Not one to miss any Christmas fun, I …

Caffeine on campus

Although I’m the only one in my student house who revels in the delights of a hot beverage (I know, ridiculous!), the queues on campus at various outlets indicate I’m not alone. This week I’m balancing all the elements of a student coffee experience (well, mainly whether it’s cheap and if it tastes nice) to …

Full Fat

In the past fifteen minutes a terrible event has occurred. A moment of such heartache that the world has stopped turning and the very saints have fallen into heavy, ill-advised and yet unavoidable sobs. Matthew Stephen Boucher of 78 Rothesay Avenue has just finished baking an apple pie, and he has run out of cream. …

Memoirs of a second year

And suddenly, without any real warning, we’re second years: responsible, fully functioning members of society (ahem) now submitting essays that actually count towards our degrees. Which can only mean one thing. It’s time to get nostalgic about the halcyon days of first year.     “What halls are you in?”- The ultimate Fresher’s icebreaker that …

Too much chocolate!

This time of year is filled with careers events. This especially applies to those lucky engineering students who seem to have a careers fair every week… I’m not bitter, I promise! Since there are so many on offer, it’s tough to decide which ones to attend and it can all be a bit overwhelming. This week, …

Travels to the North

I know what you’re thinking – she’s gone on a weekend jolly over halfway through the term?! Pfft, what is this nonsense – I’ve been holed up in Hallward churning out essays. Yes, yes, I know. I’m sorry. But I have four exams in January rather than essay deadlines this term. I’ll be the one …

That Time of Year Again

It is that time of year again where things that happen at this time of year… happen. Some of them are good and some of them are bad and you can decide which is which. Before I continue, I apologise for being away for so long. I have a good excuse this time (I promise!). You may have realised …

Winter Is Coming…

It is cold up in here. The wooly hat/dressing gown combination has become a permanent fixture at Harlaxton drive these last few days, as the harsh realities of living away from the positively tropical south coast set in once again. I can see my breath at pretty much all times now, I actually sprint to …