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A fancy dinner plus one

Other than grad ball at the end of the year, there aren’t many opportunities to get kitted out in formal attire at university. Unless, of course, your boyfriend is in bellringing society (what, you haven’t heard of it?)! So on Saturday night I donned the smartest dress I could find in my wardrobe and headed …

The Top 5 Comics to see at the Leicester Comedy Festival this Weekend

Only a quick one this week as I am currently enjoying the beautiful third year triumvirate of finishing a dissertation, mid-term exams and taking long train journeys to weird parts of the home counties (Snodland is apparently a place) in the hope of avoiding future unemployment. I did however manage to free one day of …

Testing, testing…

I’m sorry if this isn’t the most fun topic in the world, but this is what is taking over my life right now, so can definitely be described as student life! Today I have tested eight people and taken part in three other experiments or surveys. Am I whacky scientist, you may be wondering. Well, …

5 Places in Nottingham Where You’d Love to Dig In!

Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I thought I would show some love for Nottingham. Being me, I decided to tell you about what I think are the best places to eat in Nottingham. This could have easily been a long list, but I thought I would keep it simple and share 5 of my favourites! 1. Le …

Fifty Shades of Nottingham

When a man is tired of Nottingham, he is tired of life, so the oft-cited quotation runs (well, almost). This weekend is Valentine’s Day and if your current plans include curling up on the sofa with your buds Ben and Jerry and Bridget Jones (no judgement here- standard Saturday night), why not make Nottingham your …

A love affair with English!

“You should just do English. You’re good at that.” The sentence that my friend said to me whilst in school, prompting me to choose an English degree as my future path. Asking a friend to choose your degree really isn’t the recommended route, and admittedly not something I shared in my personal statement, but I …

Psychology: study of the heart?

Being in final year can lead to a real love-hate relationship with studying. But as it’s leading up to Valentine’s day, I’m going to look fondly at my subject of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience – or feel the positive affect, as a psychologist might say.  I get free reign to choose my modules this year, …

Dinner Date

The boys near me live by very strict eating rules: Chicken Kiev Tuesdays, Carbonara Wednesdays, Cottage Pie Saturdays and my god, don’t offer to peel a potato unless you can do it in less than 10 seconds. Not. Worth. It.   As much as I enjoy being cooked for, my inner Beyoncé tells me to …

Football & Rugby: A Confession

I have a confession to make. First, some backstory. I have followed football for all 22 years of my life, I have seen highs, lows and Euro ‘08. I have seen Beckham’s freekick against Greece, Lampard’s goal that never was and Arsene Wenger evolve from the Steve Jobs of football to the sporting equivalent of …


I missed a post last week, sorry about that! I have just been swamped this new semester. Not because of the amount of work I had but the amount of change that has happened. It is so strange going from having a fixed timetable that is jam-packed with lectures to 5 half-days a week without …