February 11, 2015, by Jennifer Scott
A love affair with English!
“You should just do English. You’re good at that.”
The sentence that my friend said to me whilst in school, prompting me to choose an English degree as my future path. Asking a friend to choose your degree really isn’t the recommended route, and admittedly not something I shared in my personal statement, but I have to say it worked out well for me!
Even without this helpful recommendation, I think I’d have figured out English was for me. I fell in love with it in school and from A Level to my degree that love just developed further. Following on from Tilly’s fantastic post about why she loves her psychology degree, here are the reasons I’m smitten with English.
Theatre trips! An RSC performance that counts as studying? Count me in! On an English course, you’ll have countless excuses to take trips to the theatre.
English offers plenty of variety. This, in particular, is what prompted me to choose Nottingham over any other university. I didn’t like the look of English at Oxford as it was so bloody boring, but when I went to an English Taster Session at UoN and experienced some lively drama studies, I knew this was the course for me. What other course lets you study the human mind, Old English, texts from different periods (including now) and theatre all in one.
I can read The Hunger Games and call it uni work. Win!
I can also watch The Hunger Games and call it uni work. Double win! (First year English students, choose Literature and Popular Culture next year for this advantage)
There are lots of tea drinking opportunities! Time spent reading books is time spent drinking tea. And time spent drinking tea is never time wasted.
I don’t have to be in uni all that much. Last semester, I got away with a cheeky two days and this semester I have four (rather short) days. I know there’s a bit of controversy here about where that £9000 is going, but honestly, on long and tiring weeks, this is truly the best!
There are a lot of reasons to love English, but I’d say the biggest one for me is the variety. I’m always doing what I love because there are so many options, so if you choose this you’re sure to love at least a part of it. English forever! But I may be a little biased…
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