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Applications open for best friends!

Applications are now open for a Parisian best friend! The applicant must be in the Paris area (studying or working, no preference); willing to spend copious amounts of time in cafés having deep meaningful conversations about life and whether Taylor Swift’s transition to pop was right for her; and share a love of cats which …

So am I Parisian now?

I knew I had brought too much stuff. Three coats, a plethora of silky scarves and enough stripy tops to deck out the entire cast of Ratatouille did seem a bit excessive when I was packing, but when you’re going to the fashion capital of the world for a semester, you’ve got to step up …

So you’re coming to Nottingham?

If after receiving your A level results (or equivalent) you’ve found you’ve secured your place at Nottingham, then congratulations! You’re about to start at least three awesome years here. If you’re nervous, or just don’t know what to expect, that’s completely normal! I felt the same, yet here I am on the other side having …

So you’ve got into uni… Now what?

Results day 2013, I went to my sixth form to collect my A Level results, convinced that UCAS had an error when it told me I’d got in to university. Results day was more than a bit stressful and the run up to it was an absolute nightmare, with too much time spent marking my essays …

To be or NOTTS to be (that is the cringey tagline)

The one piece of advice my form tutor (and probably your form tutor too) gave me when applying for university was not to apply based on the jazziness of its prospectus cover. Oopsie. 2013 was a great year for the Nottingham prospectus, so hats off to the marketing team because that’s the reason I picked …

UoN and I

It was early 2011 when I began deciding on the universities I should attend. To some of you this may seem a little early considering I only started university in the September of 2012, however the universities I was interested in were actually of the Australian kind with a start date of February 2012. It is a long …

My Nottingham journey: #MeantToBe

Back in the dark ages of March 2011, I made my first visit to the University of Nottingham on an undergraduate UCAS offer day. I have always been incredibly indecisive and had arguably not done the most sensible thing when I made my university application – I had only looked around one of my 5 …

A Fantastic Summer Weekend in Nottingham

To anyone who’s ever said there isn’t anything to do in Nottingham I’m sorry but I am going to have to prove you wrong. Having been in Nottingham for almost 3 years now, I was amazed that I was still able to find somewhere new to explore. And if you know me, you know that …

Summer in Nottingham

The pop up beach is about to arrive and I’ve been thinking of things on offer for those who decided to stay in Nottingham this summer. I binge-watched the new season of Orange Is The New Black and found myself a bit stuck for things to do, so decided to come up with some summer-themed entertainment. If you chose to …

The reality of studying abroad

It appears that I have been duped. I have been rather cruelly informed by a cold email (subject ‘Autumn 2015 module choices’) that studying abroad in Paris for a semester will not just involve reclining on an 18th century chaise longue and being fed creamy (yet surprisingly light) macaroons on request. No. Apparently the clue …