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Ski Trip Blues

I woke up on Sunday two weeks ago with the smell of sunshine and snow and skiing seeping under my door. I struggled with the clasps on my boots and bumbled with my poles but by early morning I was out on the slopes, gliding across freshly-fallen snow with the Val Thorens air coursing through my hair. …

In Search of the Perfect Chai Latte in Nottingham

My friends and blog readers know there is nothing more I love than a good cup of coffee. Lately I have been trying to cut down on my caffeine intake so I decided to go by a less-caffeinated/decaf route by swapping coffee for chai lattes. It’s something I did not expect to like because obviously there …

Easter in Notts

  Even though I am a home student, I have chose to spend the majority of my Easter holiday here in Nottingham so that I can focus on these final exams! Little did I know that Nottingham changes as soon as students leave. Here are a few pros and cons about staying in Nottingham over …

Science and Society

I love science. Science embodies of one of mankind’s greatest qualities, curiosity. We are able to keep asking questions no matter how many answers we find. This is part of the reason why having a scientifically literate population is very important. Science is so much more than remembering facts, or calculating figures it is about …

Siân was always #MeantToBe in FloBo

Congrats to Siân for winning this week’s #MeantToBe competition! We loved hearing about how she’s made friends with people from all over the world in Florence Boot, and her Instagram pic has won her a £50 Amazon voucher. Well done Siân! Fancy your chance at winning a £50 Amazon voucher? All you need to do is …

No place for no-platforming

Returning to campus after the last weekend in January, students were shocked to find campus emblazoned with neo-Nazi posters, stickers and messages. The neo-Nazi British Nationalist group ‘National Action’ had targeted University Park on a quiet Saturday, spreading messages of fascism and – what many regard as – hate. Following this outburst, a proposal was …

A Final Year’s Bucket List

With my last day of lectures tomorrow, my final hand-ins approaching and my dissertation just around the corner, the end is ver much nigh for me (I do a great degree that doesn’t have exams btw). The more little hurdles I pass the more real it’s becoming… and scary. I can remember getting my offer …

How to survive a trip to Shanghai (上海)

So all of our friends were busy travelling at weekends, so my friend Bety and I decided that it was about time to make a move too. What better place to start than Shanghai, an enormous economic hub only a few hours away from Ningbo. Well… I say a few hours away, but it depends …

SU Elections.. What’s the big deal?

You’ve probably all seen the colourful banners draped around unsuspecting University Park trees. The catchy campaign slogans. The swarm of people trying to talk to you about policies and maybe slip you a cheeky piece of chocolate or photobomb the Crisis photo booth. It’s campaign week for the Student Union elections and as we reach …

My Nottingham food bucket list

As a student, I admit I have gone out to eat A LOT (student budget say what?). Over the past couple of years so many new restaurants have popped up all over Nottingham and I just can’t keep up with all these new changes. This has made me start a bucket list of places I …