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Is There Really Such Thing as a “Work Life Balance”?

“You just need to find a work life balance”. Oh. Right. OK. Thank you buzz feed for your wonderful, insightful advice. Those nine words have saved me from the whirlwind of essays, parties, reading and lack of sleep that sums up my new life as a fresher. I wish. We’re always told that all we …

What I Wish I Knew Before I Started House Hunting

As I sat in the library typing this blog post, I couldn’t help but overhear a group of first-year students discussing their housing plans. I felt a sudden sense of nostalgia as I thought back to two years ago when I made the most adult decision of my life so far — I (together with …

People You Will Meet at University

THE ONE WITH NO CONCEPT OF MONEY Whilst you sit there on the verge of an existential crisis just thinking about your maintenance loan, they will be nonchalantly walking around with a myriad of shopping bags. Whilst you restrict yourself to a diet of Tesco everyday value items, they will be cooking up some steak …

5 Ways To Survive The Library

When coming up with this blog post, I was trying to think of interesting things that I’d done this week. Of course, I came up with nothing because for the past week my life has been entirely consumed with trying to keep on top of deadlines and reading. Because of this, I’ve been spending a …

“I’m not a lecturer, I’m a student.” 4 hurdles you’ll overcome as a mature student.

  1. You may start drinking coffee because you need too, not out of choice. Or is this just me? Anyway, as a mature student you no doubt have many commitments to juggle as well as studying for your degree. Caffeine can be your good friend at times. What’s the hurdle here? There’s no separate …

What do I do after university?

So I’m sat here after just applying for a scholarship scheme for an internship in China thinking what the heck do I want to do after university? I know I still have about a year to go, but is that really that long? Today my girlfriend and I had a chat in the car on …

My grad job interview

I’ve just had a graduate job interview and it was very ‘different’ to say the least. It began with a short presentation on a given topic followed by some questions focused on commercial awareness. I find it easy to ramble in interviews, so I had to ensure I stayed on topic throughout which was quite …

5 Ways To Tell You Are An Adult Now

I recently turned 21 and whilst it was filled with celebrations, friends and family I had a classy moment in which I went to my bedroom and full on sobbed for a good 10 minutes about the fact that my childhood was now officially over. Although nothing changed instantly as I turned 21, I have …

The Great British Bake Off: The Kindest Show on TV

In these uncertain times of Brexit and Isis, of the migrant crisis and Donald Trump, it’s easy to get downhearted with the state of the world.  But on Wednesday evenings in September and October, this great nation has a shining beacon of hope: The Great British Bake Off. Let’s run through the things that make …

5 Experiences At The Start Of Second Year

You will be incredibly patronising about The Freshers™ despite having about two seconds more experience than them. It is not uncommon to make slightly condescending comments about the “poor Freshers, wandering around campus like lost lambs” before being asked for directions by one and realising that you still don’t know your way around campus. And …