October 18, 2016, by Emer

5 Experiences At The Start Of Second Year

  1. You will be incredibly patronising about The Freshers™ despite having about two seconds more experience than them.

It is not uncommon to make slightly condescending comments about the “poor Freshers, wandering around campus like lost lambs” before being asked for directions by one and realising that you still don’t know your way around campus. And unlike the freshers, you have no excuse!

"And how exactly do I get to Coates Building?"

“And how exactly do I get to Coates Building?”

  1. The terrifying realisation that your grades actually count this year

No longer can you chant the reassuring mantra “I just need 40%, I just need 40%” to yourself as your deadline looms. This year you actually have to do well to do well (cue panic-induced coma). This realisation has inspired my new screenplay ‘Hysteria in Hallward: The Students’ Story’.

No matter how much time I spend in the library, I never seem to be on top of my reading

No matter how much time I spend in the library, I never seem to be on top of my reading

  1. You have this conversation with your housemates every Friday:

“Right! This weekend I’m going to get my life together! I’m going to do all my work; I’m going to clean my room; I’m going to cook something healthy and go to the gym! It’s a brand new me!”

“Yeah! Me too!”

You then have this conversation every Sunday evening:

“So, how was your weekend? Get much done?”

*uncontrollable laugh-crying as you gesture to piles of unopened books*

accurate representation of me at the weekends

Accurate representation of me at the weekends

  1. Living out of halls

No more awkward conversations with people you haven’t seen since the first day of term as you pile outside for a 2am fire alarm!  This year, chances are you’ve left halls of residence and are renting a house with friends. While this does involve more responsibility, it can also give you a lot more freedom.

Having your own house means you can decorate it however you like. My housemates and I have chosen to do so with a giant inflatable palm tree.

Having your own house means you can decorate it however you like. My housemates and I have chosen to do so with a giant inflatable palm tree.

  1. The sinking feeling when you realise how fast time is passing

It feels like you just turned up on campus yesterday as a bright-eyed bushy-tailed first year and now you’re a seasoned university student. Pretty soon it will all be over and you’ll be trying to find your way in the real world. So for now, it’s best to just make the most of the experience and not take it for granted.

When the time comes, I think I might genuinely refuse to leave this beautiful place

When the time comes, I think I might genuinely refuse to leave this beautiful place

Posted in Emer