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Why ‘Blue Monday’ is a myth? (and other optimistic things)

Over a decade ago, psychologist Cliff Arnall coined the term ‘Blue Monday’ to mark the third Monday of January, also known as the most depressing day of the year. According to a formula he published, factors such as grim weather conditions, failed new year’s resolutions, and post-holiday period debt contributed to making this day the …

How To Stick To Your New Semester Goals

It’s that time of year again. The new semester has begun, and we’re all thinking the same thing. We just can’t afford to let this semester go the same way as the last one. This year you’re going to be at every lecture. This year you’re going to get coursework finished well before the deadlines. …

Volunteering at University

So, you’ve heard of new year, new you, right? But how about using the new year to not only improve your own life, but the lives of others within the wider community. In the process of taking time to help someone else, you in turn will be helping yourself in a range of ways – …

Being on Exchange – Semester One vs. Semester Two

So semester two of my year abroad is well underway now, and having already sat my exams in December – because that’s just how they roll here on this side of the world – it’s back to those 8am lectures and six-hour lab-sessions! (Fun, I know). But having already been in Singapore one semester already, …

Cake for everyone!

I live with an odd bunch of people. One housemate is vegan, another is dairy intolerant and then there’s me with a nut allergy and a whole host of other things. It makes cooking together a challenge. I love baking though, and it’s even better if it’s inclusive of everyone’s requirements. So here’s two recipes …

3 Alternative Work Spaces to Hallward

Congrats if you’re now exam free! I envy your freedom because some of us, still have coursework deadlines for at least another two weeks – ugh. I’m in my final year and I still hate Hallward – an unpopular opinion, I know. Libraries are sort of hailed as these places where all the work gets …

How to not get BOARD in your student house

No, that’s not a typo in the title of this blog post, simply a very bad pun. In our house, board games have been a helpful revision break these past few weeks. Reverting back to a child-like state is more fun than simply binging Netflix for hours on end (which we have been doing too). …

How to earn some money being a student at University of Nottingham?

Big welcome back after Christmas break! I hope you had an amazing time! January is the time of the year when most of us are making some New Year’s resolutions. We are happy to be exposed to new experiences and generally more open to new possibilities. One of the common New Year’s resolutions is also …

Hallward Library – A Cheat Sheet for Exam Season

If you’re one of the lucky ones, you’re probably done with exam season already. Unfortunately, for some of us, the nightmares are only beginning. Over the past few days, watching my housemates taking some well-deserved time off has forced me to become a resident of Hallward Library. You’d think I’d spend my time there wisely …

How to survive a 9AM exam

It’s a crushing feeling, isn’t it? You get an email telling you your exam timetable has been released. You open up the portal hoping that the algorithmic gods have smiled upon you and scheduled your exams at times a person might reasonably expect you to be awake… Nope, you have X amount of 9AMs. You …