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Your First Week at University as a Fresher

Although everybody’s university experience is different, having talked to a range of different people from different universities, I have come to the conclusion that the goings on of Freshers’ Week are pretty much universal. I mean, there are obviously going to be some differences according to the events you choose to attend, but on the …

Baby Steps: Preparing for University

I like to believe that this blog attracts a whole array of readers but many of you probably landed here while scouring through the internet for tips on preparing for university. Well, I’m here to deliver exactly that! With less than 2 months to go, this new chapter in your life is just around the …

How to Prepare for University

So it’s coming to the end of July and that long, lazy summer that seemed to stretch out before you after you completed your exams an eternity ago is half over and university is already on the horizon. It’s an exciting time and whilst you ought to enjoy your summer after having worked so hard …

Student Discounts in Nottingham

A quick note from UoN: this blog was written in a time before COVID 19 but we think it’s something that will help you in your student life, We hope that you enjoy the blog but please be aware that social distancing measures may change some of the things you read about here. We all …

How to Make Your Freshers’ Week Instagram Worthy

As reluctant as I am to say it, I am somewhat addicted to social media. Despite my best attempts to #liveinthemoment, I still find myself getting my phone out before to record my experiences. If you, like me, love to, or are planning on, making your Instagram a visual diary of your university experience, here …

5 Things you Should Know About Living in Self-Catered Accommodation

You Probably Won’t Set Fire to the Kitchen When I started university, I was certain that I was going to set fire to the kitchen and burn the whole block down. Despite not being a bad cook, irrationally I believed that in a moment of lost concentration that I would turn away from the oven, …

Things To Do In Nottingham That Don’t Involve Drinking

A quick note from UoN: this blog was written in a time before COVID 19 but we think it’s something that will help you in your student life, We hope that you enjoy the blog but please be aware that social distancing measures may change some of the things you read about here.   A …

3 Things You’re Probably Worried About but Will Actually be Okay

Although everybody has their own worries when it comes to going to university, after speaking to my friends and family who have graduated or are at university, I have come up with three areas in which worries may arise: friends, academia and money. Nonetheless, although these may be sources of panic, I am here to …

The Truth About Being a Twin at University

The Separation is Unsettling Being an identical twin, it is safe to say that moving to university caused a major lifestyle shift for me. Indeed, for the past 18 years although I had lived my life as an individual, that life had always coexisted alongside my twin sister. Despite being in different classes, friendship groups …

How To Spend These Long Summer Months

So summer is officially underway for us students, and before I give you some tips and tricks on how you should spend your time, I must apologise for my absence since my exchange ended in May (globetrotting  doesn’t always allow for a great internet connection). But now I’m back – and for good! – I …