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My Open Day Experience

Many moons ago, a curious young Lucy had to endeavour the novelty that is the university open day season. Oh, how I remember them days: every weekend I’d travel to a different part of the country with my tired, and somewhat confused, parents to visit a prospective university. The endless tours, lectures and chats with …

Summer Internships Abroad: My Experiences in Singapore

A big part of getting older, and progressing through uni, is trying to cram your CV with as much as work experience as you can get your hands on. The list of benefits of spending your summer productively is a mile long and beats wasting away 3 months on your mum’s couch. As a medical …

My Internship Experience

Over the summer I was lucky enough to secure an internship through the Nottingham Internship Scheme. This meant that for four months I was a Website Update and Funding intern at the Nottingham Elders’ Forum. One day I would be copywriting and producing new content for their website and the next I would be research …

Maintaining long distance friendships at university

Growing up, my friends and I dreamed of travelling across the world for university whilst maintain a ‘sisterhood of the traveling pants’-esque friendship. Having spent 2 years in Nottingham with friends in New York, Singapore, Sydney and the likes, I can truly attest that one of the hardest parts of leaving home is leaving your …

Three Weeks into Third Year

Somehow, I have managed to complete full two weeks of uni *pats myself on the back*. If we were being technical, I actually done three, because you know, Welcome Week and all that *gives myself an even bigger pat on the back*. So, as a university veteran who is now in their third and final …

Eating your way around Nottingham

Here’s a guide to my favorite restaurants in Nottingham (and an excuse to spend that latest pay-check). Ed’s Easy Diner: This little diner on the top floor of Victoria Center became a cult favorite amongst my friend group over a year ago. With their recently renewed menu and all their amazing deals, Ed’s is still …

How to Get Involved in Societies (And Stay Involved!)

So fresher’s week has come and gone and with it society meet & greets have all but ceased, with a mere handful continuing on into the following week. As such, you may feel like it’s much to late to get involved or approach societies and really intergrate now that such welcome events are over. But …

Habits to Start Today

Do your reading Speaking from personal experience, it is very easy to fall into the habit of leaving reading until the night before the corresponding lecture, seminar or workshop. Or, worse still, not doing it at all and hoping that what you can remember from the lecture will be enough to guide you through a …

Getting Organized at University

Come Monday, Welcome Week 2018 came to an end. For those of you who just joined us at Nottingham, I have no doubt that you’ve had one of the most fulfilling, spontaneous and exciting weeks of your life. For the rest of us veterans, it’s been a week filled with nostalgia and failed attempts to …

Being An Introvert at University

So we’re halfway through September now and university is practically on our doorstep! For those of you that are just starting university and will be moving away from home for the first time it can be daunting – whether you’re introverted or not. But for those of you that are introverted and perhaps a little …