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‘These are the Best Days of your Life’

Sometimes being a student can be a little overwhelming. With student loan crises, endless deadlines and sub-par accommodation, being at university can seem like an endless struggle. However, in the midst of it all, it is important not to lose sight of reality. University has the potential to be one of the best experiences of …

A week in my life as a university student

University life is miles apart from the spoon-fed, laid-back student life I was used to at high school. For those of you wondering what university will be like (or what it’s like for someone on a different course to yours), here’s what a week in my life typically looks like*. Monday – Lectures used to …

Reasons to go to the Gym

As someone who is known to detest any form of exercise going, joining the gym this year was a shock that no one saw coming. However, what’s more shocking is that I actually like going to the gym… I know, right? Beforehand I used to judge anyone who remotely liked the gym, wondering what kind …

Eating Healthy on a Budget

The cliché of students living off beans on toast and pot noodles is a stereotype you cannot escape. For some reason, those outside of the university experience believe students to be incapable of eating healthy, be it for financial reasons or for their apparent laziness. This stereotype is just wrong. For starters, students aren’t physically …

A Fool’s Experience of Self Catering

‘Dangerous’ would be the chief adjective I’d use in describing my harrowing entry into the realm of self catering. My body has rejected two separate meals that I have concocted in the space of a fortnight – a statistic that even I, in all my culinary incompetence, could never have foreseen. Upon my mother’s insistence, …

How to Improve Your Week with Small Changes

How to  improve your week with small changes – it’s all about the baby steps! Getting back into the swing of University after a long summer break can be difficult and it’s easy to become overwhelmed. That’s why I’ve put together a list of small things which you can do every day to help keep …

5 ways to focus

We all want to work hard. But too often, things get in the way. After 5 minutes of working, a buzz from our phones distracts us. Before too long, we have realised that 30 minutes have passed scrolling through yet another cat video on Facebook. Here are 5 ways to make it easier. 1. Work …

Bonfire Night – Things You Might Not Have Known About November 5th

Now that we’ve rolled into November (I know, I can’t believe it either!) and bonfire night is almost upon us, I thought I’d dedicate this post to Guy Fawkes Night and share a little about its history and traditions and how they’ve stayed with us throughout the centuries. So if you fancy learning a little …

Tips for Applying to University

Those of you that are reading this right now are probably in the midst of applying to university, or at the very least, thinking about it. Whether or not you apply to Nottingham – I’d suggest you do; it’s wonderful – the following tips will help you make the most out of the next few …

‘Stranger Things’ of UoN

To celebrate Halloween, we’ve found ourselves in the upside down and rounded up some of the slightly ‘Stranger Things’ you may not know about the University of Nottingham. So grab your paddles and come with us on this curiosity voyage… 1. The Tunnel (…into the upside down?) “You shouldn’t like things because people tell you …