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The last lesson

I look at the result slip that my teacher hands to me. BBAD, the paper reads. I feel a whirlwind of emotions. In front of my friends, I know I cannot show too much emotion. But I wish the ground would swallow me. [3 years later] I log into Bluecastle. Looking at the marks listed, …

If my essay were…

I love writing essays. There is no sarcasm intended in the previous sentence. I genuinely do. I love writing it, responding to the question, and seeing it as a unique way for me to express myself. But perhaps many of us don’t. We detest the coursework our professors set for us. We hate the pain …

Get RED-dy For Summer: #HOTD19 Is Coming…

I cannot BELIEVE that it’s already May and that final examinations are practically upon our doorstep; those omnious, looming clouds that had seemed so distant at the start of the year have rolled forth and are casting their dark shadows upon each and every uni student across campus as we weep our way through revision. …

Finding Computers on Campus

As someone who a) can’t get any work done at home and b) owns a laptop which repeatedly decides to break down on me, I always tend to do all of my uni work on campus and on a computer. However, when it’s peak revision season it seems that you can only get a seat with …

How To Beat The Blues

Having been over a year since I began contributing to this blog, it has become increasingly difficult finding new and engaging content to talk about with my readers. However, with exams looming, it seemed obvious that the best way to reach out to my audience was to lend a helping hand to those of you …


I remember working incredibly hard as a high school student in Singapore. As a student in one of the best schools there, it felt like a constant competition. I would wake up at 6am, start our morning assembly at 730am, and then begin lessons at 8. We would often have lessons till 3pm, before we …

Tips for saving money on your food shop

Those dreaded two words ‘food shop’ make students cringe so easily, either because it means spending money or because it means a long hike in the rain which just seems like too much effort.  Nonetheless, although we don’t have parents around us to make sure that we’re getting our 5 a day (unless they mean overpriced coffees?), …

How to quickly find a job after gradschool

Hi friends and fellow postgrad students! Today, I will share my tips on how to find a job even before finishing your Master’s or PhD degree. Just to give a back story, I am about to finish my PhD this year and found my ideal job already, 4 months before submitting my thesis. To achieve …


Here is an article concerning leftovers and how you can acquire them – a fantastic and very clever segue from Shweta’s recent article on bargainous bites. I will let you in on a little secret: this term, leftover food has been my lifeblood. These leftovers were not obtained by foul means but rather via an …

Best Value for Money: Food Edition

It’s now that awkward middle ground in the semester where you’ve run through a decent portion of your bank account but you’ve still got ways to go before the year ends. Got a brunch date with the girls coming up? Craving a burger to get you through that nightmare of a dissertation? Here are my …