May 1, 2019, by Alina
Finding Computers on Campus
As someone who a) can’t get any work done at home and b) owns a laptop which repeatedly decides to break down on me, I always tend to do all of my uni work on campus and on a computer. However, when it’s peak revision season it seems that you can only get a seat with a computer if you stay overnight, leave your house before sunrise, or prey on a particular seat unless someone moves. I stayed in Nottingham over all of the Easter holidays and began to panic when I realised that the library would be closed for 4 days! I put a message out on Notts buy and sell (a Facebook group – if you’re not a member of it yet then you’re missing out!) and fortunately got many responses from students about 24/7 or hidden rooms which have computer access which I thought I would share with you here! If I have missed out a particular room that you love then do let me know!
Side note – the majority of these rooms require student ID access
1) Trent Building
On the lower ground of the Trent building, you’ll find some fancy bathrooms and/or shower rooms – next to them is a huge computer room! It is open 24/7, however, make sure that you bring your student ID card with you as they run regular security checks there).
2) Teaching and Learning Building
Not only does the campus have a brand new building directed to both teaching and learning, but you can also find computers on C floor – you can find this building right next to Hallward Library (which is perfect if the library is full and you’re a little disheartened).
3) Clive Granger Building
I have never tried this one but apparently the room B29 has 24/7 computer access to it. You can enter it via the outside stairs in the main car park!
4) Coates Building
If you have a wander around Coates then you’re more than likely to stumble upon a computer space! In particular, try out C19 and C20 – the rooms are filled with them!
There are probably many many more, so let me know which ones I have missed out! Good luck with your revision! 🙂
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