May 5, 2019, by Anjni
Get RED-dy For Summer: #HOTD19 Is Coming…
I cannot BELIEVE that it’s already May and that final examinations are practically upon our doorstep; those omnious, looming clouds that had seemed so distant at the start of the year have rolled forth and are casting their dark shadows upon each and every uni student across campus as we weep our way through revision. That said – it is not all doom and gloom! It may be exam season, but summer is but a month away, and you know what that means…#HOTD19 is coming, and I for one cannot WAIT!
But what is #HOTD19 you ask?! Only the BEST student event of the year. (Okay so I might be being a little bias here, but hear me out before you dismiss me!). #HOTD19 stands for Holi on the Downs: an annual colour festival held here at UoN that marks the end of exams and celebrates not only the end of a glorious academic year, but also celebrates unity in diversity here within the university. Organised by Nottingham’s very own Hindu Society, Holi on the Downs is the BIGGEST student-run event here at UoN that welcomes ALL students, and provides a great way for you to celebrate the end of the year with your friends in a whirl of colour before you head home for the holidays.
Being part of committee this year has meant that I have had the privilege of taking part in helping organise the event with my team this year; and it has been wonderful, and I am SO excited for the end of exams to roll around – not just because I get to paint the skies! – but also because it will finally mean we get see our event and everything we’ve planned for come to fruition! I’ve written about being a part of other societies in the past, how to get involved, what they can provide for you and the impact that they have had on my university life thus far, and I still can’t quite express how being a part of something outside of your scholastic duties can really go on to enrich your university experience beyond just academia. And whilst it has been manic sorting things – organising anything, on whatever scale, big or small, always is – add in exam stress and things can get quickly get out of hand and spiral, but Holi preparations, for myself at least, have been a welcome break from the world of revision, with promo design in particular sparking the MOST joy; designing is a whole OTHER level of procrastination let me tell you, not that this is a bad thing though – procrastination does unleash your creativity after all! But to discuss the domain of procrastination here would be…well procrastinating (as if writing this post instead of studying isn’t) and it would mean to go off on a whole other tangent (but if you ARE interested however on such ramblings, pree my post Procrastination: Is It Really THAT Bad for my thoughts on the matter).
What I’m trying to say is that whilst exams are upon us and things can get super stressful and overwhelming, it is important that you are able to achieve a balance and ensure that you give yourself some time to pursue and entertain other activities to preoccupy your mind and pepper your revision with moments that spark joy so that you don’t burn out completely this exam season. The little things can do you a world of good, and having something small to look forward to at the end of long day of revision, or even in between, is always comforting.
And what better way to spark joy and beat the exam BLUES by securing your place and accompanying us – and various other students! – at Holi on the Downs at the end of the exam season this year? Join us this June to mark the end of the academic year as we paint the skies with all of the colours of the wind. (Further details can be found on the SU website!)
Get RED-dy for summer: #HOTD19 is coming…
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