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How My Planner Changed My Life

If you’ve read a few of my posts, you probably realise I talk quite a lot about how busy I am. It’s actually not an exaggeration – this year has tried to kill me various times. My schedule has been crazy hectic and considering the fact that I’m a major procrastinator, it hasn’t been easy …

Writing Diversely with Lauren James

Happy LGBT history month!  This week, I had the pleasure of attending a ‘Writing Diversely’ workshop led by a University of Nottingham alumnus and author Lauren James. As a young bisexual woman, I have struggled to find well-written characters which represent me in fiction throughout my entire life. So, although I don’t consider myself much …

Committee roles, yay or nay?

Is being on a committee all it’s cracked up to be? We’ve all been there, innocently enjoying a year of our favourite sport or society at uni, until suddenly they spring it on you: committee elections.The wonderful student group you’ve grown to love can’t go on without a new set of fresh-faced committee members. But …

The Top One Washing Up Tip

Washing up is awful. If it weren’t for washing up, then I would perhaps cook. I do cook, but nothing complex, just small portions of ravioli – one pan meals. If washing up was pleasant, I would cook two or even three pan meals that involve knives, chopping boards, sieves, whisks- but it isn’t pleasant. …

How the 3MT Competition became a springboard for my career

Virology PhD student Chidinma Raymond was the 2019 People’s Choice winner of the Universitas 21 (U21) Global Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. In this blog post she reflects on her experience. In 2019 I was thrilled to win the People’s choice award at the Universitas21 global 3MT competition. To get to that highpoint though I went through an …

5 ways to make your time off more productive

I’ve *finally* handed in my dissertation, which means I’m currently in limbo between the two parts of my 5 year degree. Which means that I currently have a lot of time on my hands before I start the clinical part of my degree in March. One thing you should know about me is that I …

4 Books To Add To Your Reading List

Nothing is more satisfying to me than picking up some a good book – it relaxes the mind, it’s a source of brain development and learning and it’s an amazing way to unwind! Often when people tell me they don’t read, it’s down to the fact they haven’t found a book they like… So today, …

How to Improve Your Student Living

Many of you may be thinking about your accommodation next year. Maybe you’re a first year excited by the chance to move out of halls and live with friends. Or you might be a second year hoping for a better living experience in your final year. Student living can be difficult, there’s no one to  …

Getting fit and healthy in Nottingham

In the last 6 months, I’ve become a lot more focused on my personal fitness goals. While the changes are small, they’re there and there’s nothing more motivational than that. Besides aesthetics, keeping on top of my fitness goals have improved my mental and cardiovascular health. Nottingham has proved to be an absolutely amazing place …

Friendly Hacks for Sustainable Student Living

Hello! A few weeks ago I wrote about the top 5 places to find tasty veggie food on campus, and today I’m coming to you with more sustainable student content! In honour of Go Green Week, I’m going to share with you my ‘life hacks’ for sustainable student living on a budget. In this post …