What to Pack for University
September 2, 2020
The big question everyone has before moving out for the first time: what do I pack? Before coming to university, I read so many articles and watched so many youtube videos about this exact topic. The truth is that your packing list will be very unique to YOU. You need to consider what are some …
Post-Summer Blues
August 31, 2020
Okay, so I may have just coined the ‘Post Summer Blues’ term there, but trust me, this is definitely a thing. I know I get this feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach as the classically summery month of August passes quicker with every day, and tips over into the realm of September, which …
Everything You Need to Know About Living Away from Home
August 28, 2020
Many of you will have left home before – on a holiday or maybe, for volunteer work. But come September, you will make the first big move of your adult life. With the excitement and newfound freedom, come many challenges. Moving to Nottingham will look a little different this year and with unprecedented times ahead, …
Being a Musician at University
August 23, 2020
“I’m a musician. Are there many opportunities for me at uni?” It’s a question I hear time and time again at open days. And my response is always: “I’m a musican too! And I’ve never once felt like there weren’t enough musical opportunities at uni!” Even based on SB campus, I immediately had access to …
The soundtrack to your degree!
I’ve had quite a lot of time on my hands during the last few months… and I can’t lie, I don’t think I made the most of the time I had in terms of productivity. I’ve eaten too much, slept too much, exercised too little. However, there is one thing that I have developed my …
Your Guide to Fun and Socially Distant Activities
August 18, 2020
University might look a little different this year. Social distancing, masks, bubbles and more lend a truly extraordinary challenge to our social lives. Consequently, this upcoming year will most likely see some very creative activity options. To guide you towards a safe, yet fun, social experience, here’s a compilation of some socially distant activities to …
A Shopper’s Guide to University: What to Buy & Where to Shop?
August 16, 2020
I absolutely love shopping. I could spend hours strolling around my favourite stores; and that’s no exaggeration. Ironically, shopping for university was one of my least favourite aspects of moving into my dorm room in first year. If you’re heading to Nottingham in September, keep reading to learn more about what to buy and where …
When Nottingham Wasn’t Your Firm Choice
August 15, 2020
For something that happens to so many of us, we don’t talk about it enough. When you open your results envelope and see that you’ve missed the grades for your firm choice. When you log into UCAS to find that it’s your insurance choice that’s been confirmed. That heart sinking moment when you realise that …