A music studio in low light

August 23, 2020, by Charli

Being a Musician at University

“I’m a musician. Are there many opportunities for me at uni?”

It’s a question I hear time and time again at open days. And my response is always: “I’m a musican too! And I’ve never once felt like there weren’t enough musical opportunities at uni!”

Even based on SB campus, I immediately had access to an orchestra, big band, folk band, choir, and theatre group, and was even able to head to University Park campus to join an A Cappella group there. Also at University Park, there is a huge music society that hosts events and groups targeted to pretty much every kind of music possible.

It would be impossible to be a part of every group, but it means a great deal to me that there is such a wide variety of  musical activities out there!

“I don’t want to join a society, what else can I do?”

Aside from groups, there were also hundreds of events. Open mics, jam sessions, concerts, theatre trips, live performances on campus, and music-based competitions. Anywhere you look for music, you’re able to find it at the University of Nottingham.

“What did you do?”

When I started university, I wasted no time in joining the choir and theatre societies. This meant that my evenings were full of activities completely different from my degree. I think it’s really important to have hobbies and interests that motivate you and keep you busy outside of uni work. In fact I often find that I’m more productive in my work when I’m thoroughly enjoying my hobbies!

And so in my first year, I spent at least three nights a week in various music groups and performing in their shows and concerts. I took on committee roles the next year, spending even more time with the societies that make me so happy! I went on trips to the West End, attended competitions such as Battle of the Bands, and played gigs in the campus bar. In third year I joined a cappella; something completely new for me, but I loved it so much I did it again in fourth year.

One thing I’ve found time and time again is that I’ve found my closest friendships through music and drama. There’s something about sharing a common interest that allows you to form really strong bonds, and ‘find your people’. So if you’re musical, I would recommend getting involved in musical societies with all my heart.

In short…

In short, the possibilities for musicians at uni are endless. The social media accounts of the music societies are a good place to start, and soon you’ll find that the sheer number of orchestras, bands, events, societies, trips, performances, and groups is incredible.

My musical experiences at university have made my time at Nottingham fantastic, and I’m sure you’ll find the same!

Posted in Charli