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A New Reality

When I wake up, the first thing I do is check my phone. This morning, it’s an email reminding me about a welcome talk – five minutes before it starts. I drag myself out of bed, turn the kettle on and find my laptop under a pile of clothes on the couch. I cleaned the …

Ten Top Tips For Saving Money At Uni

We all know that a student’s favourite word is ‘free’. But for when spending is unavoidable, here are some of my top tips for keeping costs down, saving you money in the long run! 1. Plan what you’re going to eat for the week before you go shopping This helps make sure you only buy …

Dealing with the good, the bad and the downright ridiculous parts of uni life – Part 2: The Bad

I’m now in my 4th year at university, and it’s only with new students arriving this term, some of whom were born in 2002 (unfathomable to me, a 90s baby!) that I have realised that actually, I have now spent *quite a significant* amount of time at university and in doing so, have had a …

Being Vegan at Uni

It’s no secret that I’m vegan – you can see that very clearly when looking through my past blog posts. In fact, my veganism affects most parts of my life. I’m an environmental vegan, which means that my diet is a part of a sustainable lifestyle that I’m working towards. But, no matter what your …

How do I get pastoral support virtually?

In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems as if the whole world has gone virtual, doesn’t it? I know for people like myself, the worry about perhaps not being able to access support is a real one, but  as it turns out, I don’t have to be, as, like so many aspects of …

Journaling for the soul

We’re all striving to live in the moment, especially that we’re supposed to be experiencing the best years of our lives at uni. Of course, this is really difficult because we’re constantly dwelling over the past or the future. I definitely struggled with this a lot, and I’m definitely not an expert, but I’ve got …

Favourite Student Recipes

I was never into cooking before university, but living in self-catered halls made me into quite the chef. Of course, being a student on a budget and having to operate out of a shared kitchen (and fridge) meant that the recipes I could choose from were a bit limited. This is because you won’t want …

What to Expect during your First Few Weeks of University

Your first few weeks of University are going to be a lot to handle. Probably for the first time in your life you’ll be totally independent which can at first seem liberating, no parents or carers to tell you what you what to do – total freedom. However total freedom can also be a bit …

Coping with Homesickness – An International Student’s Perspective

When COVID-19 first made its appearance, students were asked to return to their permanent addresses for the foreseeable future. For international students, like myself, this meant flying across the world to cities we had left years ago. Now, rounding out my 5th month back home, I realise that this is the longest I have spent …

University Bucket-list: Five new things you must try

How do you know if you’re really making the most of out University ? My last post covered ways in which you can make the most out of Freshers week. But some of you may be wondering, how do I do as much as I can at University? Well look no further. I’ve compiled a …