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Eating your way around Nottingham

Here’s a guide to my favorite restaurants in Nottingham (and an excuse to spend that latest pay-check). Ed’s Easy Diner: This little diner on the top floor of Victoria Center became a cult favorite amongst my friend group over a year ago. With their recently renewed menu and all their amazing deals, Ed’s is still …

Getting Organized at University

Come Monday, Welcome Week 2018 came to an end. For those of you who just joined us at Nottingham, I have no doubt that you’ve had one of the most fulfilling, spontaneous and exciting weeks of your life. For the rest of us veterans, it’s been a week filled with nostalgia and failed attempts to …

Healthcare in the UK – A Guide for International Students

As an aspiring doctor, one of the things that attracted me to the UK was its one-of-a-kind healthcare system. However, as a student, the differences in the system and its associated complications were a nightmare to navigate. As an incoming fresher, you’re bound to get fresher’s flu; and even if you dodge a bullet there, …

How To: Fight Fresher’s Flu

Fresher’s week is known for many things; wild nights out, campus fairs, cliché pictures at the ‘Nottingham’ sign. One of the biggest things you’re headed for, however, is the dreaded fresher’s flu. And trust me, there’s no escaping this one. While we at Nottingham do want you all to enjoy your fresher’s week, we also …

What to expect when you’re expecting….to come to Nottingham

The coming fall will mark 2 years since I made the 4000-mile trek to the University of Nottingham. With the start of a new academic year looming, I have decided to use my blog to advise incoming international students on what to expect upon arrival and how to transition to life in Nottingham as easily …

Baby Steps: Preparing for University

I like to believe that this blog attracts a whole array of readers but many of you probably landed here while scouring through the internet for tips on preparing for university. Well, I’m here to deliver exactly that! With less than 2 months to go, this new chapter in your life is just around the …

Baby Steps: Cooking for One

In keeping with this series, today I’ll be talking about my journey towards achieving peak ‘Master-chef’ status. Before moving to university, I rarely cooked for myself, let alone anyone else. When I did, it was to make my “signature” wrap which took about 15 minutes and honestly, tasted like a soggy £3 post night-out mess. …

Baby Steps: Presenting at a National Conference

The initial part of the title may confuse those who are familiar with my blog. However, with finals coming up soon and my metaphorical creative juice supply running low, I decided to start a mini-series called ‘Baby Steps’. Over the next few weeks, I will document all the little firsts I’ve experienced in my time …

Exam Tips

Now that it’s almost May, we know summer is around the corner (though the weather may not agree). Unfortunately, that means finals season is even closer. With less than a month to go, you’ve probably already claimed your own spot in the library alongside your new best friend, Echo360. However, this is also a time …

Healthy Eating On A Budget

A few months ago, I wrote a post about how to save money and still enjoy yourself at university. A few weeks ago, I wrote another about travelling on a student budget. The take home message? I’m broke. But I’m also good at it. So, this week, I’m going to talk to you all about …