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My Easter holiday in pictures

Well, sadly, the Easter holiday is drawing to a close, and it’s been busy, fun, moderately productive and definitely nice to be home. So this post I thought I’d do a picture summary of what I’ve been up to – building on last weeks post. So I went on holiday: To Cornwall…which was actually rather …

We’re all going on an…Easter holiday

Just a short one this week as I’m on holiday in Cornwall and the internet is somewhat limited – photos will be in the next blog! So I’m in Cornwall and it’s rather beautiful, trying and failing to work but enjoying fresh seafood, clotted cream, pasties and fresh sea air. As I am on hospital …

NEWSFLASH: Lecturers are People

In primary school, teachers are like robots. They can be kind of fun, help you learn – but your mind compartmentalises them into the “school” folder, in the way that cars are filed in “roads” and “garages” and flowers in “plants,” “gardens” and “vases” etc.  Tell me I’m not the only one who thinks in …

10 Truths that aren’t always true

Well I have been doing a lot of coursework this week, and it’s almost the end of term; and amongst the word counting, caffeinated beverages and frustration/ victory/ despair my mind has turned a little philosophical. So this week I’d talk about student truths, or commonly held ideas, that might not be always true. Some …

The Key of the Door

So apparently, when you’re 21 you get the key of the door- because you’ve never been 21 before. So that was exciting this weekend on my 21st birthday. My mum tried to get me one of these gorgeous plastic numbers but couldn’t find one in time. So in stead I got these I love tulips 🙂 …


Mystery: Noun: Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. Mystery number 1: A Murder Mystery Party We had lovely house-guests this weekend and had a murder mystery dinner party in their honour. This was hilarious. Good food. Ridiculous plot. Gallivanting. Standard. As is customary with these things, the storyline was scandalous: affairs, manipulation …

Exciting things

Since I’m supposed to be writing about student life I thought I would summarise the week in terms of “exciting things” in the life of a student. Most exciting thing I saw this week: A pheasant. I’m not joking. Walking down my road to get to lectures, a pheasant casually strides across (Why did the …

Fight the System

In my A level food tech I often had to write about the “money rich, time poor” group and their food choices. Then in my degree we are often talking about those who are “money poor” and how this might affect them. However, I think a lot of students – as fortunate as we are …

A Bowl of Work

So lectures have started again. *Psycho music* They’re really interesting, relevant to my course and all of that – but full days (6 hrs a day) on Monday and Tuesday are pretty intense. Revising, exams, and Christmas holidays somehow make you forget what lectures are like and the natural phenomena occurred with them – so …

A Picture of Freedom

So my exams are finished (sorry to those still fighting on – stay strong) and initially I felt like this: Then I slept   And started to catch up on TV and my books I got for Christmas. Some of the TV programs I don’t even know why I watched them – Young, Mormon and …