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Posts by Lucy

University: Expectations vs Reality

COOKING – Expectation: despite having no culinary experience, you will be quite the magician in the kitchen. Lasagne? Pips. Soufflé? Easy. A flame grilled chicken breast in a garlic crumb coating, accompanied by homemade Cajun sweet potato fries and a lemon zested guacamole relish? Completed it, mate. Everything you touch will turn into something worthy …

New Year, New Me?

*Probably not, Lucy… don’t get your hopes up.   Every year social media, as well as real life, becomes inundated with people claiming that January marks the beginning of something new. Apparently at no other time of the year are people incapable of change because the universe forbids such an action happening. Karen, what do …

Driving Home for Christmas

Now, don’t get me wrong: I am having the time of my life at university. However, having experienced by first 12 week term(!!!) here, I well and truly am ready to get on the first train home. University life is great but, something which I and several other people I have talked to have realised …

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Songs That Sum up Being at UoN

The Proclaimers – 500 Miles Walking to the QMC on my first day of Freshers’ at 9am made me realise two things: 1) someone obviously had it against me to have me undergo this feat, but also 2) the campus is HUGE. Now, I enjoy the campus’ size as it is able to hide vast …

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People You Will Meet at University

THE ONE WITH NO CONCEPT OF MONEY Whilst you sit there on the verge of an existential crisis just thinking about your maintenance loan, they will be nonchalantly walking around with a myriad of shopping bags. Whilst you restrict yourself to a diet of Tesco everyday value items, they will be cooking up some steak …

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