August 3, 2020, by Hazel Sayers

Smart Products Beacon students update – 3

Jose Berumen Salazar has been working on the I-CUBE project conducting a video-analysis of a Wizard of Oz laundry experiment. It was a task in which participants interacted with an actor, who pretended to be a robot, to sort clothes in different baskets. People interacted with “the robot” through voice commands, gestures, and body positions. Jose identified the hand and body movements of the participants – examples of specific activities included pointing to a basket, leaning towards “the robot”, and celebratory movements.

“My participation in the study has allowed me to learn more about the complexity of human and robot interaction and think about the ways such interaction could be improved to better satisfy the people’s needs. Additionally, the project has allowed me to actively collaborate with an interdisciplinary team and obtain insights on how large research projects are conducted.”

Christos Papageorgiou has been continuing to work on his PhD ‘enhancement of foaming properties of coffee products’

Coffee is very popular beverage and an important characteristic that contributes to the consumer experience is the formation of crema, a layer of light-coloured foam that accumulates at the top of the coffee cup. Coffee foam is a fascinating, yet not well documented metastable system. Thus, the aim of the project is to advance the understanding of the mechanisms that drive foam formation and stability of coffee products.

Christos has been working with a large coffee company and says that working in such environment, among expert, experienced and multidisciplinary academic and industrial scientists has helped him achieve his PhD goals and provided the opportunity to evolve his research skills.


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